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[英]How to print lines from a file with a leading string using Perl?

I'm very new to Perl. 我是Perl的新手。 I've started this tutorial http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/Perl/ . 我已经开始本教程http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/Perl/ There's an exercise in the filehandling section which reads: 文件处理部分有一个练习,内容为:

Modify the above program so that the entire file is printed with a # symbol at the beginning of each line. 修改上面的程序,以便在每行的开头打印一个带有#符号的整个文件。 You should only have to add one line and modify another. 您只需要添加一行并修改另一行即可。 Use the $" variable. 使用$“变量。

This is the program: 这是程序:

# Program to open the password file, read it in,
# print it, and close it again.

$file = '/etc/passwd';      # Name the file
open(INFO, $file);      # Open the file
@lines = <INFO>;        # Read it into an array
close(INFO);            # Close the file
print @lines;           # Print the array

Could someone help me with this very easy task? 有人可以帮我完成这个非常简单的任务吗? Also, what does it mean when it mentions the $" variable? Thanks in advance. 另外,提到$“变量是什么意思?

也许您应该在perldoc perlvar中查找$"变量并查看其作用。如果这样做,其余的工作就很简单。

The key to this is understanding the use of the $" variable (note: this is not the same as the $_ variable). The $" variable: 这样做的关键是理解$"变量的用法(注意:这与$_变量不同。) $"变量:

This is the separator used between list elements when an array variable is interpolated into a double-quoted string. 这是在将数组变量内插到双引号字符串中时在列表元素之间使用的分隔符。 Normally, its value is a space character. 通常,其值为空格字符。

What does this mean? 这是什么意思? It means that there is a way to convert an array of items into a string context, with each item seperated by a special character. 这意味着存在一种将项目数组转换为字符串上下文的方法,其中每个项目都由一个特殊字符分隔。 By default, that special character is a space...but we can change what that special character is by changing the $" variable. 默认情况下,特殊字符是空格...但是我们可以通过更改$"变量来更改特殊字符。


The below text contains the solution to the exercise! 以下文本包含该练习的解决方案!


So, the first part of this exercise is to print out the file in a string context, instead of an array. 因此,本练习的第一部分是在字符串上下文而不是数组中打印文件。 Let's pretend we have a fake file whose contents are: 假设我们有一个伪文件,其内容为:


# Program to open the password file, read it in,   
# print it, and close it again.      
$file = '/etc/passwd';      # Name the file   
open(INFO, $file);          # Open the file   
@lines = <INFO>;            # Read it into an array   
close(INFO);                # Close the file   
print "@lines";             # Print the array   <---- Notice the double quotes


Notice that space added in between the elements? 注意元素之间是否添加了空格? That's because when we interpolate the array into a string context, the $" variable comes into play, and adds a space in between each element as it is concatenated. What we need to do next is change that space into a "#". We can change the $" variable before printing to do this: 这是因为当我们在阵列内插成一个字符串背景下, $"变量进场,并在它被串接各元素之间添加一个空格。我们下一步需要做的是改变空间变成一个‘#’。我们可以在打印之前更改$"变量以执行以下操作:

# Program to open the password file, read it in,   
# print it, and close it again.      
$file = '/etc/passwd';      # Name the file   
open(INFO, $file);          # Open the file   
@lines = <INFO>;            # Read it into an array   
close(INFO);                # Close the file
$" = "#";                   # Change $"         <---- This line has been added!
print "@lines";             # Print the array   <---- Notice the double quotes


Allright! 好吧! We're almost there. 我们快到了。 The last bit is to get a "#" in front of the very first line. 最后一点是在第一行的前面加上一个“#”。 Because $" changes the seperator between elements, it doesn't affect the very first line! We can finish this off by changing the print statement to print a "#" followed by the contents of the file: 因为$"更改了元素之间的分隔符 ,所以它不会影响第一行!我们可以通过更改print语句以先打印”#“,然后再打印文件内容来完成此操作:

# Program to open the password file, read it in,   
# print it, and close it again.      
$file = '/etc/passwd';      # Name the file   
open(INFO, $file);          # Open the file   
@lines = <INFO>;            # Read it into an array   
close(INFO);                # Close the file
$" = "#";                   # Change $"         <---- This line has been added!
print "#" . "@lines";       # Print the array   <---- Notice the double quotes


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