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[英]Advice for iPhone App Design

I am developing an app and I would like some design advice. 我正在开发一个应用程序,我想要一些设计建议。

Brief: what I want to do 简介:我想做什么

I am creating a TV guide app where I want to show the users three things only: what's playing now, next and later. 我正在创建一个电视指南应用程序,我只想向用户显示三件事:现在,下一个和以后正在播放什么。 Furthermore, users should be able to select from a list of channels what channels they would like to follow. 此外,用户应该能够从频道列表中选择他们想要关注的频道。

My Design Solution 我的设计解决方案

Now I was thinking of creating a three-tabs tab bar which has Now, Next and later. 现在,我正在考虑创建一个具有三个标签的标签栏,其中包含“现在”,“下一步”和更高版本。 Each tab would contain a Table View that lists the channels that the user had selected to follow. 每个选项卡将包含一个表视图,该表列出了用户选择要遵循的渠道。 I want to provide the users with an Edit button at the top of the table view so that a user is able to add/modify/sort/delete the channels. 我想为用户提供表格视图顶部的“编辑”按钮,以便用户能够添加/修改/排序/删除频道。

The Problem 问题

I believe it would be quite confusing for users to edit a table in the "Next" tab, and then find out that the channels were also edited for the "Now" tab. 我相信用户在“下一步”选项卡中编辑表,然后发现还为“现在”选项卡编辑了通道会很混乱。 Am I right on that? 我说的对吗?

Any suggestions are highly appreciated. 任何建议都将受到高度赞赏。

Thank you, 谢谢,


I don't think it's confusing. 我不认为这令人困惑。 i mean if you don't like a channel - you also don't like it now, next or later, right? 我的意思是,如果您不喜欢某个频道-您现在也不喜欢它,那么下一个或以后吧?

Instead of displaying the list of channels in three separate tabs, why not just display them once on a main view? 与其在三个单独的选项卡中显示频道列表,不如在主视图中只显示一次? Then when a user touches a channel, push to a new view that displays the Now, Next and Later information. 然后,当用户触摸频道时,推到显示“现在”,“下一个”和“以后”信息的新视图。 This should simplify the layout and make it easier for the user to navigate and control what's going on 这应该简化布局,并使用户更容易导航和控制正在发生的事情

Makes sense. 说得通。 You should probably put channel editing in it's own settings view or modal view though. 不过,您可能应该将通道编辑放在其自己的设置视图或模式视图中。 If users can edit channels on the "playing now" screen and that affects other tabs, Apple is likely to reject that on the App Store as it could be confusing, and kind of goes against their recommended use of the Tab Bar. 如果用户可以在“正在播放”屏幕上编辑频道并影响其他选项卡,则Apple可能会在App Store上拒绝该频道,因为这可能会造成混淆,并且与他们建议的使用选项卡栏不符。 If you put the editing of channels in a separate location, it's clear that it isn't specific to the tab they are looking at. 如果将频道的编辑放在单独的位置,则很明显,它并不特定于他们正在查看的选项卡。

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