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我的应用程序会被Apple App Store拒绝吗?

[英]Will my app rejected from the Apple App Store?

I have submitted an app to the apple store. 我已经向苹果商店提交了一个应用。 in my app I am using NSRegularExpression , and in the deployment target I did not put ios 4.0 (I have put 3.2) will my app rejected ? 在我的应用程序中,我使用的是NSRegularExpression ,在部署目标中,我没有放置ios 4.0(我放置了3.2),我的应用程序会被拒绝吗?

I think that's not the question. 我认为这不是问题。 You should reject your app by yourself, because devices with iOS < 4.0 will crash and they will rate your app with 1 star. 您应该自己拒绝您的应用,因为iOS <4.0的设备将崩溃,并且将为您的应用评分1星。 Bad ratings will people keep off buying / downloading your app. 不良评级会使人们停止购买/下载您的应用。

IF your app crashes often, it may get rejected. 如果您的应用经常崩溃,则可能会被拒绝。 If you suspect that it will crash often as a result of your use of a newer API on an older version of iOS, I would suggest rejecting the binary and then adding the appropriate conditional code to handle your situation. 如果您怀疑由于在较旧版本的iOS上使用较新的API而导致它经常崩溃,我建议您拒绝二进制文件,然后添加适当的条件代码来处理您的情况。 It's worth not frustrating your users. 值得不让您的用户感到沮丧。


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