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[英]Generic Type Constraint does not seem to be constraining anything

I am having some issues surrounding the calling of a generic method.我在调用泛型方法时遇到了一些问题。 In the example below, when I call ServiceCar from the base class I get an error when that method is defined in Dealer as:在下面的示例中,当我从基础 class 调用ServiceCar时,当该方法在 Dealer 中定义为:

Definition 1: ServiceCar<C>(C carToService) where C: Car<C> .定义 1: ServiceCar<C>(C carToService) where C: Car<C>

But I do not get an error in the base Class when that method is defined in Dealer as:但是当该方法在 Dealer 中定义为:

Definition 2: ServiceCar<C>(Car<C> carToService) where C: Car<C>定义 2: ServiceCar<C>(Car<C> carToService) where C: Car<C>

public abstract class Car<T> where T: Car<T>
     public bool isServiced;
     public string serviceMessage;

     public virtual void SendToService()
          Dealer.ServiceCar<T>(this);       // error here when Definition 1 used
          serviceMessage = "Your car is clean.";

 public class Ford: Car<Ford>
      public override void SendToService()
           serviceMessage = "Your Ford is clean.";

 public class Dealer
      // When the parameter is defined as C (as commented below) an error occurs
      // When the parameter is defined as Car<C> there are no errors
      // public static void ServiceCar<C>(C carToService) where C : Car<C>
      public static void ServiceCar<C>(Car<C> carToService) where C : Car<C>
           carToService.isServiced = true;

My confusion is that Microsoft says that "where T: means the type argument must be or derive from the specified base class" Well in the case of definition 1 (which does not compile) C is Car<C> .我的困惑是微软“其中 T: 表示类型参数必须是或派生自指定的基类”好吧,在定义 1(不编译)的情况下 C 是Car<C> So why isn't the type constraint parameter helping me out.那么为什么类型约束参数不能帮助我。 The error I am getting reads "...cannot convert from Car<T> to T" What am I missing?我收到的错误是“...无法从Car<T>转换为 T”我错过了什么?

I think you a confusing different type parameters.我认为您混淆了不同的类型参数。 Class Car<T> has parameter T and method ServiceCar<C> has another type parameter C . Class Car<T>有参数T和方法ServiceCar<C>另一个类型参数C So you need to specify both type parameters in the method and class declaration:所以你需要在方法和 class 声明中指定两个类型参数:

ServiceCar<C, T>(C carToService) where C : Car<T>

Off hand it looks like your confusing generics and inheritance.顺便说一下,它看起来像您令人困惑的 generics 和 inheritance。 Keep in mind what other developers might have to do when they inherit your code.请记住其他开发人员在继承您的代码时可能需要做的事情。 I always opt for simplicity when possible.我总是尽可能选择简单。

public abstract class Car
     public bool isServiced;
     public string serviceMessage;

     public abstract string TypeName { get; }
     public virtual void SendToService()
          Dealer.ServiceCar(this);       // error here when Definition 1 used
          servicesMessage = string.Format("Your {0} is clean.", Car.TypeName);

 public class Ford: Car
      public override string TypeName { get { return "Ford"; } }
      //No need to override this because Ford inherits from Car
      //public override void SendToService()
      //     Dealer.ServiceCar<Ford>(this);
      //     serviceMessage = "Your Ford is clean.";

 public class Dealer

      public static void ServiceCar(Car carToService)
           carToService.isServiced = true;

When attempting to call尝试打电话时

public static void ServiceCar<C>(C carToService) where C : Car<C> 

with this有了这个


you are passing an expression of type Car<T> to a method that wants an expression of type T .您正在将Car<T>类型的表达式传递给需要T类型表达式的方法。 The reason it wants an expression of type T is because Dealer.ServiceCar<T> is explicitly defining the C as T , so the carToService parameter must be a T .它想要T类型表达式的原因是因为Dealer.ServiceCar<T>C显式定义为T ,因此carToService参数必须是T

However, Car<T> is not convertable to T .但是, Car<T>不能转换为T Why should it be?为什么应该这样? It does not inherit from T .它不继承自T The only thing it inherits from is object .它唯一继承的东西是object Therefore, the compiler cannot convert an expression of type Car<T> to an expression of type T , just as indicated.因此,编译器无法将Car<T>类型的表达式转换为T类型的表达式,正如所示。

To be clear, the documentation that you site and your class definition states that T must inherit from Car<T> , but it does not say the inverse, that Car<T> must inherit from T .需要明确的是,您站点的文档和您的 class 定义声明T必须从Car<T>继承,但它并没有说相反, Car<T>必须从T继承。

In definition 1, Dealer.ServiceCar<T> takes a parameter of type T .在定义 1 中, Dealer.ServiceCar<T>采用T类型的参数。 You are passing this into the method, which is of type Car<T> .您将其传递this Car<T>类型的方法。 How are you going to convert Car<T> to T ?您将如何将Car<T>转换为T The where constraint only says T is a Car<T> , but not the other way around. where约束只说TCar<T> ,反之则不然。

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