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[英]A point in 3D space from an angle

I'm currently working on a camera for a game.我目前正在为游戏制作相机。 But I got stuck at the rotation.但是我卡在了轮换上。

When I move my mouse across the x- or y-axis, I want the camera to rotate around my character.当我在 x 或 y 轴上移动鼠标时,我希望相机围绕我的角色旋转。

What would be a formula to calculate this vector, if the distance to the character is always the same?如果到字符的距离始终相同,那么计算这个向量的公式是什么?

I am doing this in Unity, with C#, if this is of any help.我在 Unity 中使用 C# 执行此操作,如果这有帮助的话。

this function may help: transform.RotateAround(Vector3 axis, float degree) you can read the Unity Script Reference for more info.这个 function 可能会有所帮助: transform.RotateAround(Vector3 axis, float degree)您可以阅读 Unity 脚本参考以获取更多信息。

-oh and I think you should tag your next questions with "unity3d" but you get the best Unity3d-help at UnityAnswers-Forum http://answers.unity3d.com/index.html . -哦,我认为您应该用“unity3d”标记您的下一个问题,但是您可以在 UnityAnswers-Forum http://answers.unity3d.com/index.ZFC35FZ30D5FC69D29E8.826获得最好的 Unity3d 帮助

You can utilise spherical coordinates — they seem to fit more than Euler angles for the purpose of camera movement.您可以使用球坐标——它们似乎比欧拉角更适合相机移动。 The Cartesian vector which you need can be obtained by simple formulas as described there.您需要的笛卡尔向量可以通过那里描述的简单公式获得。

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