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如果无法解析属性,我如何告诉 Windsor 出错?

[英]How do I tell Windsor to error if it can't resolve a property?

Say I have the following classes说我有以下课程

    public class TestA
        public string Blah { get; set; }

    public class TestB
        public TestA Testing { get; set; }

So say I want Windsor to give me an instance of TestB , but I also want it to use property injection to instantiate the TestB.Testing property.所以说我希望 Windsor 给我一个TestB的实例,但我也希望它使用属性注入来实例化TestB.Testing属性。 This part is easy, but I need a way to know if the Windsor registration for TestA is removed.这部分很简单,但我需要一种方法来知道是否删除了TestA的 Windsor 注册。

Is there any way to mark the Testing property so that Windsor knows that TestA is a dependency of TestB , and thus should error out if it can't resolve the Testing property?有没有办法标记Testing属性,以便 Windsor 知道TestATestB的依赖项,因此如果它无法解析Testing属性应该出错? I do not want to use the TestB constructor, as I am looking at ways to lower constructor bloat.我不想使用TestB构造函数,因为我正在寻找降低构造函数膨胀的方法。

If it is a mandatory dependency it should go into the constructor period.如果它是强制依赖,它应该 go 进入构造函数期间。 Otherwise you're allowing to instantiate an invalid component, and this has nothing to do with Windsor or IoC.否则,您将允许实例化无效组件,这与 Windsor 或 IoC 无关。

"Constructor bloat" can sometimes be a sign that the code needs to be refactored, it may have acquired too many responsibilities. “构造函数膨胀”有时可能表明代码需要重构,它可能承担了太多责任。

EDIT: if you really know what you're doing you can "manually" change dependencies as optional or mandatory using a component model contributor .编辑:如果您真的知道自己在做什么,则可以使用组件 model 贡献者“手动”将依赖项更改为可选或强制。 I'd argue that this should only be used for code that you can't control, almost never for your own code.我认为这应该只用于您无法控制的代码,几乎从不用于您自己的代码。

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