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iPhone 音频流

[英]iPhone Audio Streaming

I would like to know how to start creating an Audio Streaming Player to iPhone (a radio streaming).我想知道如何开始为 iPhone 创建音频流播放器(无线电流)。

I read that I have to use AudioToolbox and AudioQueue.我读到我必须使用 AudioToolbox 和 AudioQueue。 Is there any easy solution?有什么简单的解决办法吗? Anybody has an advice?有人有建议吗?


Take a look at http://cocoawithlove.com/2010/03/streaming-mp3aac-audio-again.html for a very complete audio streaming example.查看http://cocoawithlove.com/2010/03/streaming-mp3aac-audio-again.html以获得非常完整的音频流示例。

Recent versions of the iOS SDK allow you to use AVPlayer which can also play remote mp3 audio streams. iOS SDK 的最新版本允许您使用 AVPlayer,它还可以播放远程 mp3 音频流。 AVPlayer is easier to use and way more high-level than the AudioQueue API. AVPlayer 比 AudioQueue API 更易于使用且更高级。

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