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启用 IE 保护模式时不显示桌带工具栏按钮

[英]deskband toolbar button is not showing when IE protected mode is enabled

I have developed an add-on button that sends a tcp message to another process with the URL of the current tab.我开发了一个附加按钮,它使用当前选项卡的 URL 将 tcp 消息发送到另一个进程。 That's all it does这就是它所做的一切

Since my experience is limited to managed code, I have used this article Extending Explorer with Band Objects using .NET and Windows Forms由于我的经验仅限于托管代码,因此我使用了这篇文章Extending Explorer with Band Objects using .NET 和 Windows Forms

to create my toolbar button.创建我的工具栏按钮。 Problem is that it's completely not showing when IE protected mode is enabled on Windows vista and 7.问题是在 Windows vista 和 7 上启用 IE 保护模式时它完全没有显示。

I read this article http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb250462(VS.85).aspx#wpm_elebp我读了这篇文章http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb250462(VS.85).aspx#wpm_elebp

and created an elevation policy with the GUID of my deskband, but still no use并使用我的桌带的 GUID 创建了一个提升策略,但仍然没有用

Is there any way to handle this situation from a managed code perspective?有没有办法从托管代码的角度来处理这种情况?

Try to install the add-on as an Administrator.尝试以管理员身份安装插件。 Also, see FAQ section at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb250462(VS.85).aspx#faq about APIs that will lead to Access Denied.此外,请参阅http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb250462(VS.85).aspx#faq上的常见问题解答部分,了解将导致访问被拒绝的 API。

Cheers, Max干杯,马克斯

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