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我的代码有问题吗? PHP 邮件()

[英]Is there something wrong with my code here? PHP mail()

Seriously.严重地。 My hosting company says that there's something wrong with my Php code.我的托管公司说我的 Php 代码有问题。 I'm not getting any errors from them, and they say it's not my CSS.我没有从他们那里得到任何错误,他们说这不是我的 CSS。 Please help.请帮忙。


/* Subject and Email Variables */

    $emailSubject = 'Bookem danno!';
    $webMaster = 'info@mywebsite.com';

/* Gathering Data Variables */

    $nameField = $_POST['name'];
    $cellField = $_POST['cell'];
    $emailField = $_POST['email'];
    $dateField = $_POST['date'];
    $timeField = $_POST['time'];
    $lengthField = $_POST['length'];
    $inoutField = $_POST['inout'];
    $seenbeforeField = $_POST['seenbefore'];
    $detailsField = $_POST['details'];
    $p411Field = $_POST['p411'];
    $datecheckField = $_POST['datecheck'];
    $tobField = $_POST['tob'];
    $terField = $_POST['ter'];
    $otherField = $_POST['other'];
    $screennameField = $_POST['screenname'];
    $companyField = $_POST['company'];
    $worknoField = $_POST['workno'];
    $switchboardnoField = $_POST['switchboardno'];
    $memoField = $_POST['memo'];
    $subscribeField = $_POST['subscribe'];

    $body = <<<EOD
Name: $name <br>
Cellphone: $cell <br>
Email: $email <br>
Date: $date <br>
Time: $time <br>
Length of appointment: $length <br>
Incall Outcall: $inout <br>
Have I seen you before: $seenbefore <br>
Details: $details <br>
P411: $p411 <br>
Datecheck: $datecheck <br>
TOB: $tob <br>
TER: $ter <br>
Other: $other <br>
Screen Name: $screenname <br>
Company: $company <br>
Direct Line: $workno <br>
Switchboard: $switchboardno <br>
Memo: $memo <br>
Subscribe Me: $subscribe <br>

    $headers = "From: $email\r\n";
    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
    $success = mail($webMaster, $emailSubject, $body, $headers);

echo "$result";


You are happily using several variables you never define (and discarding some variables you actually set).您很高兴地使用了几个您从未定义过的变量(并丢弃了您实际设置的一些变量)。 That means that you are writing PHP code while having error reporting set to hide notices (or even set to hide all error messages).这意味着您正在编写 PHP 代码,同时将错误报告设置为隐藏通知(甚至设置为隐藏所有错误消息)。 Whatever your problem is (you don't actually say) you are instructing PHP not to notify you.无论您的问题是什么(您实际上并没有说),您都在指示 PHP 不要通知您。 Read this: http://es2.php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.configuration.php#ini.error-reporting阅读: http://es2.php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.configuration.php#ini.error-reporting

Ahem.咳咳。 You're not using any of the variables you instantiated.您没有使用您实例化的任何变量。 For example, initially you say this:例如,最初你这样说:

$emailField = $_POST['email'];

And then you say this:然后你这样说:

$headers = "From: $email\r\n";

There is no variable called $email .没有名为$email的变量。 There is one called $emailField , but you're not using that.有一个叫做$emailField ,但你没有使用它。 In fact, ALL of the variables from your $_POST are getting renamed with "Field" at the end, and then you're trying to refer to them later without the Field part.实际上,您的$_POST中的所有变量都在最后用“Field”重命名,然后您稍后尝试在没有 Field 部分的情况下引用它们。 Won't work.不会工作。

Also, You've got a security vulnerability in that code.此外,您在该代码中存在安全漏洞。 Look:看:

$headers = "From: $email\r\n";

You're assuming that $email is a nice safe value.您假设 $email 是一个不错的安全值。 Suppose somebody fills in your form and tells it their email address is 0wned@example.com\r\nBcc: emai1@example.net, email2@example.org, etc... , thereby causing your email server to send out hundreds or thousands of emails.假设有人填写您的表格并告诉它他们的 email 地址是0wned@example.com\r\nBcc: emai1@example.net, email2@example.org, etc... ,从而导致您的 email 服务器发送数百或数千封电子邮件。

A spammer might do it for the sake of sending spam -- without having to maintain their own email server.垃圾邮件发送者可能会为了发送垃圾邮件而这样做——无需维护自己的 email 服务器。

A bored and malicious person might do it just for the kick of seeing your domain blacklisted as a spammer.一个无聊和恶意的人可能只是为了看到您的域被列入垃圾邮件发送者的黑名单。

An unethical corporate rival might do it to throw a monkey wrench into your ordering procedures in the hopes of driving your out of business.一个不道德的公司竞争对手可能会这样做,以便在您的订购程序中使用活动扳手,以期将您赶出公司。 I am cursed with a good imagination...我被一个很好的想象力诅咒...

Do yourself a favor and try this:帮自己一个忙,试试这个:

$email = str_replace( "\r\n", '', $_POST['email'] );

That will strip out any potential CR/LF pairs, so that nobody can inject their own headers into your email.这将去除任何潜在的 CR/LF 对,因此没有人可以将自己的标头注入您的 email。

$headers.= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers.= "内容类型: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; replace this with your existing header.. i am not sure but it may help you...用您现有的 header 替换它。我不确定,但它可能对您有帮助...

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