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Unix 命令根据文件目录 (pwd) 创建 file:/// URI

[英]Unix command to create file:/// URI based on the file's directory (pwd)

I would like to write a filepath as a URI in a Unix command-line emulator.我想在 Unix 命令行仿真器中将文件路径写为 URI。

Desired output:所需的 output:


Using sed and pwd I can get close but not quite there because使用 sed 和 pwd 我可以接近但不完全在那里,因为

$ pwd

...gives me a lower-case drive and no pipe. ...给我一个小写驱动器,没有 pipe。

Is there a better way?有没有更好的办法?

You can do it with sed ;你可以用sed it has a y command to do the case-conversion, though it is somewhat convoluted because you would have to go through the hold space as well as the pattern space.它有一个y命令来进行大小写转换,尽管它有些复杂,因为您必须通过保持空间和模式空间来 go 。 It would be easier to use Perl - it probably has one or more modules to do this (such as URI and URI::file ), though a simple version could be produced with regular expressions.使用 Perl 会更容易——它可能有一个或多个模块来执行此操作(例如URIURI::file ),尽管可以使用正则表达式生成一个简单的版本。

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
foreach my $name (@ARGV)
     if ($name =~ m%^/([a-zA-Z])(/.+)%)
         printf "file:///%c|%s\n", uc($1), $2;
         print STDERR "$0: unexpected name format - no /x/ drive letter prefix ($name)\n";

(Untested code.) (未经测试的代码。)

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