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jQuery /CSS - 获取相关元素的 position,相应的 position 工具提示

[英]jQuery /CSS - get position of relative element, position tooltip accordingly

I have a map showing various locations which when hovered over will show a tooltip next to the cursor revealing information regarding that location.我有一个 map 显示不同的位置,当将其悬停在 cursor 旁边会显示一个工具提示,显示有关该位置的信息。

The map is a background image of the main ul id="map", with each location being a li. map 是主 ul id="map" 的背景图,每个位置是一个 li。 The location is positioned by css using top and left.该位置由 css 使用顶部和左侧定位。

The #map is positioned relative and the tooltips are positioned absolutely. #map 是相对定位的,工具提示是绝对定位的。

The markup I have is as follows:我的标记如下:

<ul id="map">
<li><a href="#" class="harewood tip_trigger"><img src="images/marker.gif" width="12" height="12" alt="" /> <span class="tip"><img src="images/thumb.jpg" width="143" height="107" alt="" />Title<br />Click marker for details</span></a></li>

I can show and hide the.tip span using jQuery no problem, but I'd like to get the position of the parent.tip_trigger, and offset the tooltip from the cursor by, say, 10px.我可以使用 jQuery 显示和隐藏 .tip 跨度没问题,但我想获得 parent.tip_trigger 的 position,并将工具提示从 Z1791A97A8403730EE0760489A2ApxEBZ 偏移,例如,1 说,

How would I amend the jquery code below?我将如何修改下面的 jquery 代码?

$(document).ready(function() {

var pos = $("#map").position();  
var width = $(".tip").width();

    tip = $(this).find('.tip');
    tip.show(); //Show tooltip
    tip.css({"left": (pos.left + width) + "px","top":pos.top + "px" });

}, function() {
    tip.hide(); //Hide tooltip

I've been messing with this for a while, have tried jquery documentation and just can't figure it out.我已经搞砸了一段时间,已经尝试过 jquery 文档,但无法弄清楚。

algiecas is right, I usually add an extra step with each algiecas 是对的,我通常会在each步骤中添加一个额外的步骤

like this:像这样:

$(document).ready(function() {
$(".tip_trigger").each(function () {

 // assuming you give the image the class marker
 var pos = $(this).find('marker').position();  

    tip = $(this).find('.tip');
    var width = tip.width();
    tip.show(); //Show tooltip
    tip.css({"left": (pos.left + width) + "px","top":pos.top + "px" });

 }, function() {
    tip.hide(); //Hide tooltip


You should probably use the position of the .tip_trigger , not the whole #map您可能应该使用 .tip_trigger 的.tip_trigger ,而不是整个#map

var pos = $(this).position(); 

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