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对象作为关联 Arrays:for 循环

[英]Objects as Associative Arrays: for loop

Is it possible to loop through a data set of objects as associative arrays?是否可以将对象数据集作为关联 arrays 循环?

I have a bunch of JSON data, and would like to loop through all of the data sets and pull out a property in each object.我有一堆 JSON 数据,并想遍历所有数据集并在每个 object 中提取一个属性。

for example:例如:

for ( var i = 0; i <= 20; i++){
var oblivion = i;
var myObject = new MYobject( oblivion);

function oblivionLoader(myObject)
 for ( i = 1; i<=2; i++)
   var changer = myObject.oblivion[i];
   var infoText = GetDetailsText(changer);

If this is possible please show me how.如果这是可能的,请告诉我如何。 Otherwise I am concluding it is impossible...否则我的结论是不可能的...

you can use a for in loop to loop through properties of an object.您可以使用for in循环遍历 object 的属性。

var myObject = { prop1:"1", prop2:"2", prop3:"3" }, 

for ( property in myObject ) {
    if ( myObject.hasOwnProperty( property ) { 
        alert( myObject[property] );

the bracket and dot syntax is interchangeable in JavaScript.括号和点语法在 JavaScript 中可以互换。

That being said, I have no idea what you're trying to do in you're example...话虽这么说,我不知道你想在你的例子中做什么......

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