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[英]Sentence segmentation using Regex

I have few text(SMS) messages and I want to segment them using period('.') as a delimiter.我的文本(SMS)消息很少,我想使用句点('.')作为分隔符对它们进行分段。 I am unable to handle following types of messages.我无法处理以下类型的消息。 How can I segment these messages using Regex in Python.如何使用 Python 中的正则表达式对这些消息进行分段。

Before segmentation:分割前:

'hyper count 16.8mmol/l.plz review b4 5pm.just to inform u.thank u'
'no of beds 8.please inform person in-charge.tq'

After segmentation:分割后:

'hyper count 16.8mmol/l' 'plz review b4 5pm' 'just to inform u' 'thank u'
'no of beds 8' 'please inform person in-charge' 'tq'

Each line is a separate message每一行都是一个单独的消息


I am doing natural language processing and I feel its okay to treat '16.8mmmol/l' and 'no of beds 8.2 cups of tea.'我正在做自然语言处理,我觉得可以处理'16.8mmmol/l''no of beds 8.2 cups of tea.' as same.一样。 80% accuracy is enough for me but I want to reduce False Positive as much as possible. 80% 的准确率对我来说已经足够了,但我想尽可能地减少False Positive

Some weeks ago, I searched for a regex that would catch every string representing a number in a string, whatever the form in which the number is written, even the ones in scientific notation, even the indian numbers having commas: see this thread几周前,我搜索了一个正则表达式,它可以捕获表示字符串中数字的每个字符串,无论数字的书写形式如何,甚至是科学记数法形式的,甚至是带有逗号的印度数字:请参阅此线程

I use this regex in the following code to give a solution to your problem.我在以下代码中使用此正则表达式来解决您的问题。

Contrary to the other answers, in my solution a dot in '8.'与其他答案相反,在我的解决方案中, “8”中有一个点。 isn't considered as a dot on which a split must be done, because it can be read as a float having no digit after the dot.不被视为必须在其上进行拆分的点,因为它可以被读取为在点后没有数字的浮点数。

import re

regx = re.compile('(?<![\d.])(?!\.\.)'
                  '' #---------------------------------
                  '' #---------------------------------
                  '' #---------------------------------

simpler_regex = re.compile('(?<![\d.])0*(?:'

def split_outnumb(string, regx=regx, a=0):
    excluded_pos = [x for mat in regx.finditer(string) for x in range(*mat.span()) if string[x]=='.']
    li = []
    for xdot in (x for x,c in enumerate(string) if c=='.' and x not in excluded_pos):
        a = xdot + 1
    return li

for sentence in ('hyper count 16.8mmol/l.plz review b4 5pm.just to inform u.thank u',
                 'no of beds 8.please inform person in-charge.tq',
                 'no of beds 8.2 cups of tea.tarabada',
                 'this number .977 is a float',
                 'numbers 214.21E+45 , 478945.E-201 and .12478E+02 are in scientific.notation',
                 'an indian number 12,45,782.258 in this.sentence and 45,78,325. is another',
                 'no dot in this sentence',
    print 'sentence         =',sentence
    print 'splitted eyquem  =',split_outnumb(sentence)
    print 'splitted eyqu 2  =',split_outnumb(sentence,regx=simpler_regex)
    print 'splitted gurney  =',re.split(r"\.(?!\d)", sentence)
    print 'splitted stema   =',re.split('(?<!\d)\.|\.(?!\d)',sentence)


sentence         = hyper count 16.8mmol/l.plz review b4 5pm.just to inform u.thank u
splitted eyquem  = ['hyper count 16.8mmol/l', 'plz review b4 5pm', 'just to inform u', 'thank u']
splitted eyqu 2  = ['hyper count 16.8mmol/l', 'plz review b4 5pm', 'just to inform u', 'thank u']
splitted gurney  = ['hyper count 16.8mmol/l', 'plz review b4 5pm', 'just to inform u', 'thank u']
splitted stema   = ['hyper count 16.8mmol/l', 'plz review b4 5pm', 'just to inform u', 'thank u']

sentence         = no of beds 8.please inform person in-charge.tq
splitted eyquem  = ['no of beds 8.please inform person in-charge', 'tq']
splitted eyqu 2  = ['no of beds 8.please inform person in-charge', 'tq']
splitted gurney  = ['no of beds 8', 'please inform person in-charge', 'tq']
splitted stema   = ['no of beds 8', 'please inform person in-charge', 'tq']

sentence         = no of beds 8.2 cups of tea.tarabada
splitted eyquem  = ['no of beds 8.2 cups of tea', 'tarabada']
splitted eyqu 2  = ['no of beds 8.2 cups of tea', 'tarabada']
splitted gurney  = ['no of beds 8.2 cups of tea', 'tarabada']
splitted stema   = ['no of beds 8.2 cups of tea', 'tarabada']

sentence         = this number .977 is a float
splitted eyquem  = ['this number .977 is a float']
splitted eyqu 2  = ['this number .977 is a float']
splitted gurney  = ['this number .977 is a float']
splitted stema   = ['this number ', '977 is a float']

sentence         = numbers 214.21E+45 , 478945.E-201 and .12478E+02 are in scientific.notation
splitted eyquem  = ['numbers 214.21E+45 , 478945.E-201 and .12478E+02 are in scientific', 'notation']
splitted eyqu 2  = ['numbers 214.21E+45 , 478945.E-201 and .12478E+02 are in scientific', 'notation']
splitted gurney  = ['numbers 214.21E+45 , 478945', 'E-201 and .12478E+02 are in scientific', 'notation']
splitted stema   = ['numbers 214.21E+45 , 478945', 'E-201 and ', '12478E+02 are in scientific', 'notation']

sentence         = an indian number 12,45,782.258 in this.sentence and 45,78,325. is another
splitted eyquem  = ['an indian number 12,45,782.258 in this', 'sentence and 45,78,325. is another']
splitted eyqu 2  = ['an indian number 12,45,782.258 in this', 'sentence and 45,78,325. is another']
splitted gurney  = ['an indian number 12,45,782.258 in this', 'sentence and 45,78,325', ' is another']
splitted stema   = ['an indian number 12,45,782.258 in this', 'sentence and 45,78,325', ' is another']

sentence         = no dot in this sentence
splitted eyquem  = ['no dot in this sentence']
splitted eyqu 2  = ['no dot in this sentence']
splitted gurney  = ['no dot in this sentence']
splitted stema   = ['no dot in this sentence']

sentence         = 
splitted eyquem  = ['']
splitted eyqu 2  = ['']
splitted gurney  = ['']
splitted stema   = ['']

EDIT 1编辑 1

I added a simpler_regex detecting numbers, from a post of mine in this thread我添加了一个更简单的正则表达式检测数字,来自我在这个线程中的帖子

I doesn't detect indian numbers and numbers in scientific notation but it gives in fact the same results我没有检测到印度数字和科学记数法中的数字,但它实际上给出了相同的结果

you can use a negative lookahead assertion to match a "."您可以使用否定的前瞻断言来匹配“。” not followed by a digit, and use re.split on this:后面没有数字,并在此使用re.split

>>> import re
>>> splitter = r"\.(?!\d)"
>>> s = 'hyper count 16.8mmol/l.plz review b4 5pm.just to inform u.thank u'
>>> re.split(splitter, s)
['hyper count 16.8mmol/l', 'plz review b4 5pm', 'just to inform u', 'thank u']
>>> s = 'no of beds 8.please inform person in-charge.tq'
>>> re.split(splitter, s)
['no of beds 8', 'please inform person in-charge', 'tq']

What about关于什么

re.split('(?<!\d)\.|\.(?!\d)', 'hyper count 16.8mmol/l.plz review b4 5pm.just to inform u.thank u')

The lookarounds ensure that either on one or the other side is not a digit.环视确保一侧或另一侧不是数字。 So this covers also the 16.8 case.所以这也涵盖了16.8的情况。 This expression will not split if there are on both sides digits.如果两边都有数字,这个表达式不会分裂。

It depends on your exact sentence, but you could try:这取决于您的确切句子,但您可以尝试:


See if that works.看看这是否有效。 This will keep in the quotes, but you can then remove them if needed.这将保留在引号中,但如果需要,您可以删除它们。


split is a Python builtin that separates a string at a specific character. split是一个 Python 内置函数,用于在特定字符处分隔字符串。

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