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将Django-Storage与amazon S3和https一起使用

[英]Using Django-Storages with amazon S3 and https

We have an image uploader that uploads to AWS, using django-storages. 我们有一个使用django-storages上传到AWS的图像上传器。 Right now it sends images over http but we want it to use https. 现在它通过http发送图像,但我们希望它使用https。

Googling didn't help me find a way to configure django-storages to do it. 谷歌搜索并没有帮助我找到一种方法来配置django-storage来做到这一点。 Does anyone know the best way to accomplish this, or any documentation that would point me in the right direction. 有没有人知道实现这一目标的最佳方法,或任何能指明我正确方向的文档。

查看源代码 ,您可以通过设置AWS_S3_SECURE_URLS = True来启用HTTPS。

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