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在C ++中将实数和调试数据流式传输到磁盘

[英]Streaming Real and Debug Data To Disk in C++

What is a flexible way to stream data to disk in a c++ program in Windows? 在Windows中的c ++程序中,将数据流式传输到磁盘的灵活方法是什么?

I am looking to create a flexible stream of data that may contain arbitrary data (say time, average, a flag if reset, etc) to disk for later analysis. 我希望创建一个灵活的数据流,可以包含任意数据(如时间,平均值,重置标志等)到磁盘以供以后分析。 Data may come in at non-uniform, irregular intervals. 数据可能以不均匀,不规则的间隔进入。 Ideally this stream would have minimal overhead and be easily readable in something like MATLAB so I could easily analyze events and data. 理想情况下,此流将具有最小的开销,并且可以在MATLAB之类的内容中轻松读取,因此我可以轻松地分析事件和数据。

I'm thinking of a binary file with a header file describing types of packets followed by a wild dump of data tagged with . 我正在考虑一个带有头文件的二进制文件,该头文件描述了数据包的类型,然后是标记有的数据的狂放转储。 I'm considering a lean, custom format but would also be interested in something like HDF5 . 我正在考虑一种精简的自定义格式,但也会对像HDF5这样的东西感兴趣。

It is probably better to use an existing file format rather than a custom one. 使用现有文件格式而不是自定义文件格式可能更好。 First you don't reinvent the wheel, second you will benefit from a well tested and optimized library. 首先,您不要重新发明轮子,其次,您将受益于经过良好测试和优化的库。

HFD5 seems like a good bet. HFD5似乎是一个不错的选择。 It is fast and reliable, and easy to read from Matlab. 它快速可靠,易于从Matlab读取。 It has some overhead but it is to allow great flexibility and compatibility. 它有一些开销,但它允许很大的灵活性和兼容性。


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