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[英]PHP thumbnail generation

I'm trying to generate thumbnails of the images my users upload. 我正在尝试生成用户上传的图片的缩略图。 I have got the basic functionality to work by having my thumbnail class generate a thumbnail that is 50% of the width and height of the original image. 我的缩略图类生成的缩略图是原始图像宽度和高度的50%,因此我可以使用基本功能。 However, I'd like to extend its functionality and enforce a hard limit on thumbnails that will be larger than 400px on either side after the 50% reduction. 但是,我希望扩展其功能并对缩略图实施严格限制,在缩小50%之后,缩略图将大于400px。

This is what I have so far: 这是我到目前为止:

$x = $image_info[0]; // width of original image
$y = $image_info[1]; // height of original image
$x_t = $x/2; // width of 50% thumbnail
$y_t = $y/2; // height of 50% thumbnail
$biggest = ($x_t > $y_t) ? $x_t : $y_t; // determine the biggest side of the thumbnail

if($biggest > 400)
    // Enforce a 400px limit here

    /// somehow :(

With this hard limit, I want the original image to be scaled down so that no side exceeds 400px, and I want the other side to be scaled down relative so the image doesn't look distorted. 有了这个硬限制,我希望缩小原始图像,使得没有边超过400px,我希望另一面相对缩小,这样图像看起来不会失真。

Being as terrible with math as I am, I can't work out a way to calculate the image dimensions that my thumbnail class should resize the image to. 和我一样对数学一样糟糕,我无法计算出我的缩略图类应该将图像调整大小的图像尺寸。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

You'd have to compute a scaling factor: 您必须计算缩放系数:

$factor = $biggest / 400;  // if 503, then factor = 1.2575;

$new_x = $x / $factor;
$new_y = $y / $factor;

and use those two new dimensions for your scaling. 并使用这两个新尺寸进行缩放。 That'll reduce whatever side is $biggest to 400, and proportionally reduce the other dimension to something less than 400. 这将减少最大值为400的任何一方,并将其他维度按比例减少到小于400。

You will have to check for each length, not both at once: 您必须检查每个长度,而不是同时检查两个长度:

if ($x > 400) {
    $x_t = 400;
    $y_t = $y * (400 / $x);
if ($y > 400) {

If $x is 600 for example, the calucalation would become $y_t = $y * (400 / 600), thus reducing $y to 2/3 of its original value. 例如,如果$ x为600,则calucalation将变为$ y_t = $ y *(400/600),从而将$ y减少到其原始值的2/3。

And add the same condition for the $y side. 并为$ y方添加相同的条件。 Additionally you might want to apply the calculations concurrently, if neither side is allowed to be larger than 400. 此外,如果任何一方都不允许大于400,您可能希望同时应用计算。

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