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Android 中的横向模式更改为纵向

[英]Landscape Mode change to portrait in Android

I had an application of timer and my app should always be in LandScape mode.我有一个计时器应用程序,我的应用程序应该始终处于 LandScape 模式。 I am getting width and Height of my main layout in code.我在代码中获取我的主要布局的宽度和高度。 In manifest, I had used:在清单中,我使用过:

     <activity android:name=".MActivity"

And in activity:在活动中:

layout = (LinearLayout)findViewById(R.id.Rishikesh);
        ViewTreeObserver vto = layout.getViewTreeObserver();
        vto.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {

            public void onGlobalLayout() {
                int finalHeight, finalWidth;
                finalHeight = layout.getMeasuredHeight();
                finalWidth = layout.getMeasuredWidth();
                Log.w("*************", "OnGlobalLayoutListener/ Footer height :"+layout.getHeight()+" Width :"+layout.getWidth());


It gives height and width in landscape mode.它在横向模式下提供高度和宽度。 But when i lock my phone, It gives height and width in portrait mode.但是当我锁定手机时,它会在纵向模式下给出高度和宽度。 What I am doing wrong I don't know.我做错了什么我不知道。 I am working on ANdroid 2.1.我正在研究 ANdroid 2.1。 Can anyone help me solving this.谁能帮我解决这个问题。

Logs before locking:锁定前的日志:

08-11 15:19:08.996: INFO/NotificationService(1156): enqueueToast pkg=com.Timer callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@45b190a0 duration=100
08-11 15:19:09.005: WARN/*************(2369): OnGlobalLayoutListener/ Footer height :442 Width :854
08-11 15:19:09.995: INFO/NotificationService(1156): enqueueToast pkg=com.Timer callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@45a6b670 duration=100
08-11 15:19:10.005: WARN/*************(2369): OnGlobalLayoutListener/ Footer height :442 Width :854
08-11 15:19:10.335: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2075): GC freed 6414 objects / 550768 bytes in 212ms
08-11 15:19:10.345: ERROR/webcoreglue(2075): The real object has been deleted
08-11 15:19:10.345: ERROR/webcoreglue(2075): The real object has been deleted
08-11 15:19:10.345: ERROR/webcoreglue(2075): The real object has been deleted
08-11 15:19:10.355: DEBUG/webviewglue(2075): nativeDestroy view: 0xa6bf48
08-11 15:19:10.996: INFO/NotificationService(1156): enqueueToast pkg=com.Timer callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@45a63ed0 duration=100
08-11 15:19:10.996: WARN/*************(2369): OnGlobalLayoutListener/ Footer height :442 Width :854
08-11 15:19:11.995: INFO/NotificationService(1156): enqueueToast pkg=com.Timer callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@45afcbe0 duration=100
08-11 15:19:11.995: WARN/*************(2369): OnGlobalLayoutListener/ Footer height :442 Width :854
08-11 15:19:12.065: DEBUG/WindowManager(1156): I'm tired mEndcallBehavior=0x2
08-11 15:19:12.295: INFO/power(1156): *** set_screen_state 0

LOGS: After locking:日志:锁定后:

08-11 15:19:12.315: DEBUG/WifiService(1156): ACTION_SCREEN_OFF
08-11 15:19:12.325: DEBUG/SurfaceFlinger(1156): About to give-up screen, flinger = 0x11cf18
08-11 15:19:12.385: DEBUG/ViewFlipper(1369): updateRunning() mVisible=false, mStarted=true, mUserPresent=false, mRunning=false
08-11 15:19:12.585: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1156): GC freed 18364 objects / 926968 bytes in 153ms
08-11 15:19:12.725: INFO/WindowManager(1156): Setting rotation to 0, animFlags=0
08-11 15:19:12.725: INFO/ActivityManager(1156): Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider: pid=2402 uid=1000 gids={3003, 1015, 3002, 3001}
08-11 15:19:12.755: INFO/dalvikvm(2402): Debugger thread not active, ignoring DDM send (t=0x41504e4d l=38)
08-11 15:19:12.765: INFO/ActivityManager(1156): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=0/0 loc=en_IN touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=1 layout=34}
08-11 15:19:12.825: WARN/*************(2369): OnGlobalLayoutListener/ Footer height :816 Width :480
08-11 15:19:12.885: INFO/dalvikvm(2402): Debugger thread not active, ignoring DDM send (t=0x41504e4d l=44)
08-11 15:19:12.905: INFO/ActivityManager(1156): Process com.touchnote.android (pid 2382) has died.

Before locking: OnGlobalLayoutListener/ Footer height:442 Width:854 After locking: OnGlobalLayoutListener/ Footer height:816 Width:480锁定前:OnGlobalLayoutListener/页脚高度:442 宽度:854 锁定后:OnGlobalLayoutListener/页脚高度:816 宽度:480

check after removing " android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation"删除“ android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation"后检查

The issue is that your application is not in foreground and other applications may request to allow portrait or only portrait.问题是您的应用程序不在前台,其他应用程序可能会请求允许纵向或仅纵向。

You receive current global layout - which may be portrait.您会收到当前的全局布局 - 可能是纵向的。 Probably you receive onPause() before screen is locked and onResume() when your application is back in foreground - if you don't want to get layout when not in background, simply use a bool to store if you're the foreground app.可能您在屏幕锁定之前收到 onPause() ,当您的应用程序返回前台时收到 onResume() - 如果您不想在不在后台时获取布局,如果您是前台应用程序,只需使用 bool 进行存储。

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