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如何在Visual Studio扩展中获取c ++ Intellisense数据?

[英]how do you get c++ Intellisense data in a visual Studio Extention?

I am making a Visual Studio c++ 2010 extension. 我正在制作Visual Studio c ++ 2010扩展。 I was wondering if there was some way to get intellisense data. 我想知道是否有某种方式可以获取智能感知数据。 like, perhapse the scope of where the caret is. 例如,插入符号所在的范围。 class member variable and function names, function parameters ect. 类成员变量和函数名称,函数参数等。

all I've found atm is Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense namespace, but it doesn't seem to give low level direct access to the data? 我发现的atm只是Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense命名空间,但是它似乎不提供对数据的低级别直接访问? seems more like a bunch of filtering functions? 似乎更像一堆过滤功能?

I basically want to do my own auto complete, but I don't want to have to parse all the code when intellisense is doing a good job of that already... 我基本上想做自己的自动完成,但是当intellisense已经做得很好的时候,我不想解析所有代码。

EDIT: 编辑:

ok, so the 2010 intellisense data base file is just an sql database file now, I opened it with sql server 2008 express, and had a look through, it seems to have all the types of data I'm looking for, and I should hopefully be able to access it through code. 好的,所以2010 intellisense数据库文件现在只是一个sql数据库文件,我使用sql server 2008 express打开了它,并进行了浏览,它似乎包含了我要查找的所有数据类型,我应该希望能够通过代码访问它。

the only thing is, I would much rather access the in memory database loaded (and presumably, constantly updated) by intellisense, so that I get all the updates in real time, and don't have to load stuff off the disk. 唯一的事情是,我宁愿访问由intellisense加载(并且可能不断更新)的内存数据库,这样我就可以实时获取所有更新,而不必从磁盘上加载内容。

so, anyone know how to access the database loaded by intellisense from an extension? 因此,有人知道如何从扩展名访问由intellisense加载的数据库吗?

I don't have the direct answer to access intellisense database. 我没有访问智能感知数据库的直接答案。 But, I remember Alvin Chardon wrote a nice article about data flow diagram of VC++ intellisense. 但是,我记得Alvin Chardon写了一篇很好的文章,介绍了VC ++ intellisense的数据流程图。 The link ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms379615%28v=vs.80%29.aspx ) may be useful to this question. 链接( http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms379615%28v=vs.80%29.aspx )对于此问题可能有用。

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