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使用Visual Studios 2012进行C ++编码时,如何自动完成在IntelliSense中选择的代码?

[英]When using Visual Studios 2012 for coding in C++, how do you autocomplete code selected in IntelliSense?

When using IntelliSense, it would usually show up functions, members, and etc. in the dialog box. 使用IntelliSense时,通常会在对话框中显示功能,成员等。 Usually at the very top of the dialog box, IntelliSense would automatically select the most relevent C++ code that fits what the user typed. 通常在对话框的最顶部,IntelliSense会自动选择最适合用户输入的C ++代码。

I want the IntelliSense to help me autocomplete the word I was typing, but whenever I press Enter key, it would just insert a new line, and not autocomplete it for me. 我希望IntelliSense帮助我自动填写我正在键入的单词,但每当我按下Enter键时,它只会插入一个新行,而不是为我自动填充它。

The only workaround for me is to press Down key, and then press Enter, in order to achieve this. 对我来说唯一的解决方法是按向下键,然后按Enter键以实现此目的。 Are there any other methods of making this process easier? 还有其他方法可以让这个过程更容易吗? It's annoying for me not being able to autocomplete C++ codes when pressing Enter key. 在按Enter键时,我无法自动完成C ++代码,这很烦人。

在C ++中,按TAB键自动完成。

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