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When using Visual Studios 2012 for coding in C++, how do you autocomplete code selected in IntelliSense?

When using IntelliSense, it would usually show up functions, members, and etc. in the dialog box. Usually at the very top of the dialog box, IntelliSense would automatically select the most relevent C++ code that fits what the user typed.

I want the IntelliSense to help me autocomplete the word I was typing, but whenever I press Enter key, it would just insert a new line, and not autocomplete it for me.

The only workaround for me is to press Down key, and then press Enter, in order to achieve this. Are there any other methods of making this process easier? It's annoying for me not being able to autocomplete C++ codes when pressing Enter key.

在C ++中,按TAB键自动完成。

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