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[英]SFML - gluPerspective function not found

Out of all of the functions which aren't referenced, my gluPerspective returns an error when I try to use it. 在所有未引用的函数中,当我尝试使用它时,我的gluPerspective返回一个错误。 I know it has nothing to do with syntax or human error: I've been copy/pasting the line of code used by it right out of an SFML tutorial. 我知道这与语法或人为错误无关:我一直在SFML教程中复制/粘贴其使用的代码行。

I'm using QT Creator. 我正在使用QT Creator。

Could someone tell me why this may be the case, and if so what I could do about it? 有人可以告诉我为什么会这样吗,如果可以,我该怎么办? Do I need to reference a library to my qmake file? 我需要引用库到我的qmake文件吗?

A function not being referenced sounds like a linker error. 未被引用的功能听起来像链接器错误。 Have you linked to the glu library? 您已链接到glu库吗?


LIBS += -lglut -lGLU

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