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[英]Is there any GPS library for use in Python?

I am looking for Python library, which can work with GPS coordinates. 我正在寻找可以使用GPS坐标的Python库。 Let's say, I have a list of coordinates: 比方说,我有一个坐标列表:

>>> gps = [
...  (53.25012925, −6.24479338, 349.9, '2011-08-20T09:35:00Z'),
...  (53.25028285, -6.24441800, 359.9, '2011-08-20T09:35:30Z'),
...  (53.25049500, -6.24266032, 395.9, '2011-08-20T09:36:00Z'),
...  # and so on...
... ]

I would like to compute average speed, distance, get the higest point, and other info. 我想计算平均速度,距离,获得最高点,以及其他信息。 I know, it is quite simple to compute it, but I am wondering if there is any existing code (I do not like to reinvent the wheel). 我知道,计算它很简单,但我想知道是否有任何现有的代码(我不喜欢重新发明轮子)。

Note: There is similar question here in stackoverflow ( Which gps library would you recommend for python? ), but it is about GPSD. 注意:stackoverflow中有类似的问题( 你会推荐哪个gps库用于python? ),但它是关于GPSD的。 I am not working with any device, I just have GPS coordinates in text file. 我没有使用任何设备,我只是在文本文件中有GPS坐标。

You may still be able to use data portions of GPSD, rather than writing something from scratch. 您仍然可以使用GPSD的数据部分,而不是从头开始编写内容。 The following code is from the GPSD source and has a module for making paths from streams of GPS data (and then getting the path length and whatnot) 以下代码来自GPSD源,并有一个模块,用于从GPS数据流中制作路径(然后获取路径长度等等)

http://code.google.com/p/python-gpsd/source/browse/src/nmea/track.py http://code.google.com/p/python-gpsd/source/browse/src/nmea/track.py

class Track(object):

    def __init__(self, recordDelay=10, maxSize=3600, ignoreDuplicates=True, duplicateRange=0.0001):
        """ Constructor

        The default values allow for 10 hours worth of data recorded
        at 10 second intervals.

        recordDelay - Delay between recording data points
        maxSize - Maximum number of points to record
        ignoreDuplicates - Ignore entries that are very similar (ie moved a minimal distance)
        duplicateRange - Varience range within a duplicate is detected (adjust to account for
            subtle gps position drift)
        self.recordDelay = recordDelay
        self.maxSize = maxSize
        self.ignoreDuplicates = ignoreDuplicates
        self.duplicateRange = duplicateRange
        self.positions = []
        self.latest = None

    def append(self, position, heading, timeStamp=None):
        """ Append position and heading information """
        if timeStamp is None: timeStamp = datetime.utcnow()

        self.latest = (timeStamp, position, heading)
        if len(self.positions):
            last = self.positions[0]
            last = None

        # Make sure we re in range
        if last is None or (timeStamp - last[0]).seconds >= self.recordDelay:
            self.positions.insert(0, self.latest)
            self.latest = None

        # Clear extra data
        if len(self.positions) > self.maxSize: pass

    def clear(self):
        """ Clear all items from track """
        self.positions = []
        self.latest = None

    def __len__(self):
        """ Return the length of the track """
        if self.latest is None: return len(self.positions)
        return len(self.positions) + 1

    def __getslice__(self, i, j):
        return self.positions[i:j]

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return self.positions[i]

    def get_latest(self):
        if self.latest is None and len(self.positions) > 0:
            return self.positions

    def get_by_time(self, timeRange, now=datetime.utcnow()):
        """ Returns the last n items within the time range """
        result = []
        if self.latest is not None: result.append(self.latest)
        for position in self.positions:
            if (now - position[0]).seconds > timeRange: break
        return result

I have found an interesting library named geopy . 我找到了一个名为geopy的有趣库。 It can calculate distances between two GPS points (it uses great-circle distance and Vincenty distance methods). 它可以计算两个GPS点之间的距离(它使用大圆距离和Vincenty距离方法)。 On top of that, geopy can do geocoding (it can get GPS coordinates from an address). 最重要的是, 地理位置可以进行地理编码(它可以从地址获取GPS坐标)。

The other features (average speed, higest point, etc.) I can hack by myself. 其他功能(平均速度,最高点等)我可以自己破解。

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