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[英]Split line with perl

   title: Football team: Real Madrid stadium: Santiago Bernabeu players: Zinédine Zidane, Ronaldo, Luís Figo, Roberto Carlos, Raúl personnel: José Mourinho (head coach) Aitor Karanka (assistant coach (es))

How to split this with perl in: 如何用perl拆分:

   title: Football
   team: Real Madrid
   stadium: Santiago Bernabeu
   players: Zinédine Zidane Ronaldo Luís Figo Roberto Carlos Raúl
   personnel: José Mourinho (head coach) Aitor Karanka (assistant coach (es))

Use a lookahead assertion: 使用先行断言:

say for split /(?=\w+:)/, $real_madrid_string;

Output 产量

title: Football
team: Real Madrid
stadium: Santiago Bernabeu
players: Zinédine Zidane Ronaldo Luís Figo Roberto Carlos Raúl
personnel: José Mourinho (head coach) Aitor Karanka (assistant coach (es))

This should do it. 这应该做到这一点。 line.txt contains "title: Football team: Real Madrid stadium: Santiago Bernabeu players: Zinédine Zidane, Ronaldo, Luís Figo, Roberto Carlos, Raúl personnel: José Mourinho (head coach) Aitor Karanka (assistant coach (es))" line.txt包含“标题:足球队:皇家马德里体育场:圣地亚哥伯纳乌球员:ZinédineZidane,罗纳尔多,路易斯菲戈,罗伯托卡洛斯,劳尔人员:JoséMourinho(主教练)Aitor Karanka(助理教练)

use strict;
use warnings;

my $fn="./line.txt";

my @lines=<IN>;

my %hash;
my $hashKey;

foreach my $line (@lines){
        my @split1=split(" +",$line);
        foreach my $split (@split1){
                                $hash{$hashKey}=$hash{$hashKey}.$split." ";
                                $hash{$hashKey}=$split." ";


foreach my $key (keys %hash){
        print $key.":".$hash{$key}."\n";

Contrary to what many are saying in their answers, you do not need lookahead (other than the Regex's own), you would only need to capture part of the delimiter, like so: 与许多人在他们的答案中所说的相反,你不需要超前(除了正则表达式之外),你只需要捕获部分分隔符,如下所示:

my @hash_fields = grep { length; } split /\s*(\w+):\s*/;

My full solution below: 我的完整解决方案如下

my %handlers
    = ( players   => sub { return [ grep { length; } split /\s*,\s*/, shift ]; }
      , personnel => sub { 
            my $value = shift;
            my %personnel;
            # Using recursive regex for nested parens
            while ( $value =~ m/([^(]*)([(](?:[^()]+|(?2))*[)])/g ) {
                my ( $name, $role ) = ( $1, $2 );
                $role =~ s/^\s*[(]\s*//;
                $role =~ s/\s*[)]\s*$//;
                $name =~ s/^\s+//;
                $name =~ s/\s+$//;
                $personnel{ $role } = $name;
            return \%personnel;
my %hash = grep { length; } split /(?:^|\s+)(\w+):\s+/, <DATA>;
foreach my $field ( keys %handlers ) { 
    $hash{ $field } = $handlers{ $field }->( $hash{ $field } );

Dump looks like this: 转储看起来像这样:

%hash: {
     personnel => {
                    'assistant coach (es)' => 'Aitor Karanka',
                    'head coach' => 'José Mourinho'
     players => [
                  'Zinédine Zidane',
                  'Luís Figo',
                  'Roberto Carlos',
     stadium => 'Santiago Bernabeu',
     team => 'Real Madrid',
     title => 'Football'

The best way is to use the split command using a zero-width lookahead: 最好的方法是使用零宽度前瞻使用split命令:

$string = "title: Football team: Real Madrid stadium: Santiago Bernabeu players: Zinédine Zidane, Ronaldo, Luís Figo, Roberto Carlos, Raúl personnel: José Mourinho (head coach) Aitor Karanka (assistant coach (es))";

@split_string = split /(?=\b\w+:)/, $string;
$string = "title: Football team: Real Madrid stadium: Santiago Bernabeu players: Zinédine Zidane, Ronaldo, Luís Figo, Roberto Carlos, Raúl personnel: José Mourinho (head coach) Aitor Karanka (assistant coach (es))";
@words = split(' ', $string);

@lines = undef;
@line = shift(@words);
foreach $word (@words)
    if ($word =~ /:/)
        push(@lines, join(' ', @line));
        @line = undef;
        push(@line, $word);

print join("\n", @lines);

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