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[英]Floating point in C

I am asking a user for two non-negative integer values in C. I then want to convert these to percentages (expressed as decimals). 我向用户询问C中的两个非负整数值。然后,我想将它们转换为百分比(以小数表示)。 Unfortunately, my float s are coming up as zeroes. 不幸的是,我的float变成零。 Why is this, and how do I fix it? 为什么会这样,我该如何解决?

int a = 5;
int b = 10;
int total = a + b;

float a_percent = a / total;
float b_percent = b / total;

printf("%.2f, %.2f\n", a_percent, b_percent);

You aren't using floats, you're using integers, and so the integral division gives zero (which is then assigned to a float). 您没有使用浮点数,而是使用了整数,因此整数除法给出了零( 然后将其分配给浮点数)。

To perform a floating-point operation, you must first convert the integers (or at least one of them) to a float. 要执行浮点运算,必须首先将整数(或其中至少一个)转换为浮点数。 Conveniently, we just use total : 方便地,我们只使用total

float total = a + b; // exact
float ap = a / total;
float bp = b / total; // OK, these are now floating-point operations


An int divided by an int will always return an int . 一个int除以一个int将始终返回一个int You'll have to make one of the two arguments a float before dividing: 在除法之前,必须使两个参数之一成为float

float a_percent = (float) a / total;
float b_percent = (float) b / total;

I am not a C expert, but my guess is because dividing an int by an int always results in an int. 我不是C专家,但是我的猜测是因为将一个整数除以一个整数总是会得到一个整数。

You may need to do something like this: 您可能需要执行以下操作:

float a_percent = (float)a/total;

float b_percent = (float)b/total;

You're first performing an integer division, then converting the result to floating point. 您首先要执行整数除法,然后将结果转换为浮点数。 This will not give the results you want. 这不会给出您想要的结果。 Either make total a floating point value to begin with (so that the types get automatically promoted right) or cast a and b to (float) before performing the division. 在执行除法之前,要么使total浮点值开始(以便类型自动升为正确),要么将ab(float)

You are using integer math not floating point here. 您在此处使用的是整数数学而不是浮点数。 Try: 尝试:

float a_percent = a/(float)total;

float b_percent = b/(float)total;

For a simple percentage you may be happier using fixed-point. 对于一个简单的百分比,您可能会更喜欢使用定点。 Just multiply your numerator (a or b) by 100 and you'll get the percentage from the division. 只需将分子(a或b)乘以100,就可以从除法得到百分比。 forex: 外汇:

int a = 5;
int b = 10;

int total = a + b;

int a_percent = 100*a/total;  
int b_percent = 100*b/total;

printf("a%%=%d, b%%=d\n", a_percent, b_percent);

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