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[英]Formatting a date using C# in an MVC3 application

I have a model with a DateTime property: 我有一个带有DateTime属性的模型:

public DateTime EndTime { get; set; }

In my controller, I assign that property to a value returned from my database: 在控制器中,我将该属性分配给从数据库返回的值:

aModel.EndTime = auction.EndTime.Value;

And in my View: 在我看来:

<p class="time">@item.EndTime</p>

Currently the date is returned as: 当前日期返回为:

9/12/2011 --> Month / Day / Year

I want it to display as: 我希望它显示为:

12/9/2011 --> Day / Month / Year

I'm sure the application is displaying the date according to the servers settings, but I do not wish to change that. 我确定应用程序正在根据服务器设置显示日期,但是我不想更改它。 How can I display the date like I want to in the second example? 如何在第二个示例中显示想要的日期?

<p class="time">@String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}",item.EndTime)</p>

The quick and easy way... 快速简便的方法...

<p class="time">@item.EndTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")</p>

I would suggest you store the format string as a config value though so you can easily change it later... or add a way for the user to set their preference 我建议您将格式字符串存储为配置值,以便以后可以轻松更改...或为用户添加设置首选项的方式

Maybe even do some extension method work... 甚至可以做一些扩展方法...

Helper class 助手类

public static class ExtensionMethods
   public static string ToClientDate(this DateTime dt)
      string configFormat = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DateFormat"];
      return dt.ToString(configFormat);

Config File 配置文件

    <add key="DateFormat" value="dd/MM/yyyy" />

View 视图

<p class="time">@item.EndTime.ToClientDate()</p>

Make sure you View can see the ExtensionMethods class, add a "Using" statement if needed 确保您的View可以看到ExtensionMethods类,并在需要时添加“使用”语句


<p class="time">@item.EndTime.ToString("d/M/yyyy")</p>

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