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[英]how to use numpy.vectorize or numpy.frompyfunc

[EDIT:I sort of brush this example up so I didn't clean up my code very well. [编辑:我整理了这个示例,所以我没有很好地清理代码。 My question is more on, how do I pass a subarray into a numpy.vectorize-d function, not specifically about this example.] 我的问题更多是关于如何将子数组传递给numpy.vectorize-d函数,而不是专门针对此示例。

I can't figure out how to use numpy.vectorize or numpy.frompyfunc to vectorize commands that takes an array as an argument. 我不知道如何使用numpy.vectorize或numpy.frompyfunc来矢量化将数组作为参数的命令。

Let's think of this easy example (I understand this is a very basic example and I don't have to use numpy.vectorize at all. I am just asking for an example): 让我们考虑一个简单的示例(我理解这是一个非常基本的示例,而我根本不必使用numpy.vectorize。我只是想举一个示例):

aa = [[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4,5], [5,6,7,8], [9,10,11,12]]
bb = [[100,200,300,400], [100,200,300,400], [100,200,300,400], [100,200,300,400]]

And I want to vectorize a function that adds up the second element of each subarray of aa and bb. 我想向量化一个将aa和bb的每个子数组的第二个元素相加的函数。 In this example I want to return an array of [202 203 206 210] 在此示例中,我想返回一个数组[202203206210]

But a code like this doesnt work: 但是这样的代码不起作用:

def vec2(bsub, asub):
    return bsub[1] + asub[1]

func2 = np.vectorize(vec2)
func2( bb, aa )

Similar thing with numpy.frompyfunc has no luck. 与numpy.frompyfunc类似的事情没有运气。

My question is, how do I past a list of subarrays into a numpy.vectorize-d function and let each subarray be the argument of the function? 我的问题是,如何将子数组列表放到numpy.vectorize-d函数中,并让每个子数组作为该函数的参数?

One of your problems is that aa and bb are lists, not numpy.array() . 您的问题之一是aa和bb是列表,而不是numpy.array() You should be doing: 您应该这样做:

aa = np.array([[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4,5], [5,6,7,8], [9,10,11,12]])
bb = np.array([[100,200,300,400], [100,200,300,400], [100,200,300,400], [100,200,300,400]])

The second thing I notice is that to get the second element of each subarray, you need aa[:,1] , not aa[2] . 我注意到的第二件事是,要获取每个子数组的第二个元素,您需要aa[:,1] ,而不是aa[2]

Third, your vec2 function should return something, not just print . 第三,您的vec2函数应该return某些内容,而不仅仅是print

The final issue is that your vec2 function should operate on integers, not arrays, and you should pass the slices to the function, not the complete arrays. 最后一个问题是,您的vec2函数应该对整数而不是数组进行运算,并且应该将切片传递给函数,而不是完整的数组。 The corrected version (which returns the expected output) is then: 然后,更正后的版本(将返回预期的输出)是:

import numpy as np
aa = np.array([[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4,5], [5,6,7,8], [9,10,11,12]])
bb = np.array([[100,200,300,400], [100,200,300,400], [100,200,300,400], [100,200,300,400]])

def vec2(a, b):
    return a + b

func2 = np.vectorize(vec2)
print func2(bb[:,1], aa[:,1])

Note EDITS on OP's post which make this answer seem a bit odd. 注意OP帖子上的EDIT,这使答案似乎有些奇怪。

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