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[英]JNI and UnsatisfiedLinkError

I'm doing my first steps with JNI and tried to write a simple Hello Java program, but it fails with this error: 我正在使用JNI进行第一步,并尝试编写一个简单的Hello Java程序,但是由于以下错误而失败:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: HelloJava.dostuff()V
        at HelloJava.dostuff(Native Method)
        at HelloJava.main(HelloJava.java:12)

This is my Java class: 这是我的Java类:

class HelloJava {
    private native void dostuff();
    static {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("This is from java.");
        HelloJava j = new HelloJava();

The HelloJava.c is generated using javah -jni HelloJava . javah -jni HelloJava是使用javah -jni HelloJava生成的。

The C implementation looks like this: C实现看起来像这样:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include "HelloJava.h"

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_HelloJava_dostuff
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject this)
    printf("And this comes from C ! :)\n");

I compiled it on Windows using gcc to a shared library (.dll). 我在Windows上使用gcc将其编译为共享库(.dll)。

Now running the Java .class File the Exception from above occurs. 现在运行Java .class文件,发生上面的异常。 Can you tell me why this error appears ? 您能告诉我为什么出现此错误吗?

And by-the-way, can you tell me how I can use JNI with C++ ? 而且,您能告诉我如何在C ++中使用JNI吗?


Maybe you want to try it yourself ? 也许您想自己尝试一下? I really can't find the issue.Here is a link to MediaFire where you can download a .zip file containing all files (event the compiled ones). 我真的找不到问题。这里是MediaFire的链接,您可以在其中下载包含所有文件的.zip文件(如果已编译)。

The retried everything but it's still the same issue. 重试了所有内容,但仍然是相同的问题。
Theese are the steps I did: Theese是我执行的步骤:

  1. Write Hello.java 写Hello.java
  2. Compile Hello.java using javac Hello.java 使用javac Hello.java编译javac Hello.java
  3. Create a header file using javah -jni Hello 使用javah -jni Hello创建头文件
  4. Write the Hello.c file 写入Hello.c文件
  5. Compile the Hello.c file using 使用以下命令编译Hello.c文件
    gcc Hello.c -shared -o Hello.dll -I"C:\\Java\\jdk1.7.0\\include" -I"C:\\Java\\jdk1.7.0\\include\\win32"
  6. Execute Hello.class using java Hello 使用java Hello执行Hello.class

Thanks. 谢谢。


Adding -Wl,--kill-at to the gcc command fixes the problem, according to this question here. 根据此处的此问题,在gcc命令中添加-Wl,--kill-at可解决此问题
Thanks to AH for his help ! 感谢AH的帮助!

Please check: 请检查:

  • The filename of your library is HelloJavaDLL.dll (on Windows) 库的文件名是HelloJavaDLL.dll (在Windows上)
  • The directory of the DLL is either in the library search path (ie PATH environment variable) or supplied to java with -Djava.library.path=C:\\WhereEverItIs . DLL的目录位于库搜索路径(即PATH环境变量)中,或通过-Djava.library.path=C:\\WhereEverItIs提供给java

The second question: JNI supports both C and C++ right out of the box. 第二个问题:JNI 支持 C和C ++开箱的。 If you look into the generated header file and in the jni.h file you will see this. 如果查看生成的头文件和jni.h文件,您将看到此信息。

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