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[英]JBox2D collisions not bouncing

I have an Android application using JBox2D for physics simulation. 我有一个使用JBox2D进行物理模拟的Android应用程序。 The only dynamic object is a 0.07m radius circle, as well as several static circles and rectangles in a total game area of about 20m by 20m. 唯一的动态对象是半径为0.07m的圆,以及整个游戏区域中约20m x 20m的几个静态圆和矩形。 I'm also using a few custom forces through the ApplyForce method. 我还通过ApplyForce方法使用了一些自定义作用力。

Whenever any bodies collide, they do collide correctly however they don't bounce; 每当任何物体碰撞时,它们都会正确碰撞,但不会反弹。 everything just thuds together. 一切都在一起。 All bodies have their densities, frictions and restitutions set (some objects have a restitution greater than 1). 设置了所有物体的密度,摩擦和恢复力(某些物体的恢复力大于1)。

Does anyone have any ideas why these collisions aren't working? 有谁知道为什么这些冲突不起作用? I think it might be because the bodies aren't moving fast enough for JBox2D to count as proper collisions (there is a cutoff in Box2D). 我认为可能是因为这些实体的移动速度不够快,JBox2D不能算作适当的碰撞(Box2D中存在中断)。

Thanks! 谢谢!

setting Settings.velocityThreshold = 0.0001f; 设置Settings.velocityThreshold = 0.0001f; (or very small) solved it for me. (或很小)为我解决了。


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