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如何确定 T 是泛型中的值类型还是引用类?

[英]How to determine whether T is a value type or reference class in generic?

I have a generic method behavior of which depends on T is reference type or value type.我有一个泛型方法的行为取决于 T 是引用类型还是值类型。 It looks so:看起来是这样的:

T SomeGenericMethod <T> (T obj)
  if (T is class) //What condition I must write in the brackets?
   //to do one stuff
  else //if T is a value type like struct, int, enum and etc.
   //to do another stuff

I can't duplicate this method like:我不能像这样复制这个方法:

T SomeGenericMethod <T> (T obj) where T : class
 //Do one stuff

T SomeGenericMethod <T> (T obj) where T : struct
 //Do another stuff

because their signatures are equal.因为他们的签名是相等的。 Can anyone help me?谁能帮我?

You can use the typeof operator with generic types, so typeof(T) will get the Type reference corresponding to T , and then use the IsValueType property:您可以将typeof运算符用于泛型类型,因此typeof(T)将获取与T对应的Type引用,然后使用IsValueType属性:

if (typeof(T).IsValueType)

Or if you want to include nullable value types as if they were reference types:或者,如果您想包含可为 null 的值类型,就好像它们是引用类型一样:

// Only true if T is a reference type or nullable value type
if (default(T) == null)

[The following answer does not check the static type of T but the dynamic type of obj . [以下答案不检查T静态类型,而是检查obj动态类型。 This is not exactly what you asked for, but since it might be useful for your problem anyway, I'll keep this answer for reference.]这不完全是您所要求的,但由于无论如何它可能对您的问题有用,因此我会保留此答案以供参考。]

All value types (and only those) derive from System.ValueType .所有值类型(并且仅那些)派生自System.ValueType Thus, the following condition can be used:因此,可以使用以下条件:

if (obj is ValueType) {
} else {

Type.IsValueType tells, naturally, if Type is a value type. Type.IsValueType自然会告诉Type是否是值类型。 Hence, typeof(T).IsValueType .因此, typeof(T).IsValueType


if (typeof(T).IsValueType)

I'm late to the party, but I just stumbled on this.我参加聚会迟到了,但我只是偶然发现了这一点。 So as of determining if it's a Reference-Type,因此,在确定它是否是引用类型时,




could work (.net 4.7+ , not checked on former Versions)可以工作(.net 4.7+,未检查以前的版本)

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