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c ++从静态函数调用非静态函数

[英]c++ calling a non static function from a static function

I'm experiencing an access violation error when I try to call non static function. 我尝试调用非静态函数时遇到访问冲突错误。

my .h file looks like this. 我的.h文件看起来像这样。

class World
    virtual ~World();
    static void CALLBACK DispatchCallback(
        SIMCONNECT_RECV *pData,
        DWORD cbData,
        void *pContext
    void Process(SIMCONNECT_RECV *pData, DWORD cbData);
    virtual void frameEvent();
    virtual void init();

Now in my .cpp file the init() function I call a function that return data to my callback function. 现在在我的.cpp文件中的init()函数我调用一个函数将数据返回给我的回调函数。

SimConnect_CallDispatch(hSimConnect, DispatchCallback, NULL);

Which sends data to the DisPatchCallback function. DisPatchCallback数据发送到DisPatchCallback函数。

In this function the following code resides: 在此函数中,以下代码驻留:

void CALLBACK World::DispatchCallback(
    DWORD cbData,
    void *pContext)
    World *pThis = reinterpret_cast<World*>(pContext);
    pThis->Process(pData, cbData);

this function is a static function which creates a World object to call the Process function. 此函数是一个静态函数,它创建一个World对象来调用Process函数。

This works but it break on the line where it wants to access the frameEvent function. 这可以工作,但它打破了它想要访问frameEvent函数的行。

void World::Process(SIMCONNECT_RECV *pData, DWORD cbData)
    HRESULT hr;

        frameEvent(); //it breaks here frameEvent is a non static function

Access violation reading location 0x00000000. 访问冲突读取位置0x00000000。

Can someone point me to the right direction as to solve this issue.? 有人能指出我正确的方向来解决这个问题。

If you wonder I'm writing a plugin for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. 如果你想知道我正在为Microsoft Flight Simulator X编写一个插件。

I'm trying to implement simconnect.h in a oo way. 我正试图以oo方式实现simconnect.h Msdn shows an example that I'm trying to implement. Msdn显示了我正在尝试实现的示例。

class CName
    void Dispatch();
    static void DispatchCallback(
        SIMCONNECT_RECV *pData,
        DWORD cbData,
        void *pContext
    void Process(SIMCONNECT_RECV *pData, DWORD cbData);

    HANDLE hSimConnect; // use SimConnect_Open to set this value.

void CName::Dispatch()
    ::SimConnect_Dispatch(hSimConnect, &CName;::DispatchCallback, this);

// static function
void CName::DispatchCallback(
    DWORD cbData,
    void *pContext)
    CName *pThis = reinterpret_cast<CName*>(pContext);
    pThis->Process(pData, cbData);

void CName::Process(SIMCONNECT_RECV *pData, DWORD cbData)
    // do processing of SimConnect data

I hope I gave enough information. 我希望我提供了足够的信息。

You're passing NULL as the context parameter to SimConnect_CallDispatch , so your callback has no idea which World object to call Process on -- how could it possibly if you don't tell it? 您将NULL作为上下文参数传递给SimConnect_CallDispatch ,因此您的回调不知道哪个World对象要调用Process on - 如果您不告诉它,怎么可能呢? Change the call to pass in this as the context parameter, like the example does: 更改调用以传入this作为上下文参数,如示例所示:

SimConnect_CallDispatch(hSimConnect, DispatchCallback, this);

It breaks because this is NULL. 它因为this是NULL而中断。

Check this portion of your code: 检查代码的这一部分:

World *pThis = reinterpret_cast<World*>(pContext);
pThis->Process(pData, cbData);

If the reinterpret_cast fails gets a NULL - it returns NULL, and you don't check for it. 如果reinterpret_cast 失败 获得NULL - 它返回NULL,并且您不检查它。

Your use of: 您的使用:

SimConnect_CallDispatch(hSimConnect, DispatchCallback, NULL);

seems very suspicious. 似乎非常可疑。 What's the NULL parameter mean in the call to that function? 在该函数的调用中, NULL参数的含义是什么? Is that pContext ? pContext吗?

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