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将Map [K,Option [V]]转换为Map [K,V]的更好方法

[英]Better way of converting a Map[K, Option[V]] to a Map[K,V]

I have some code that is producing a Map where the values are Option types, and I really of course want a map containing only the real values. 我有一些代码生成一个Map ,其中值是Option类型,我当然想要一个只包含实际值的地图。

So I need to convert this, and what I've come up with in code is 所以我需要转换它,我在代码中提出的是

  def toMap[K,V](input: Map[K, Option[V]]): Map[K, V] = {
    var result: Map[K, V] = Map()
      s: Tuple2[K, Option[V]] => {
        s match {
          case (key, Some(value)) => {
            result += ((key, value))
          case _ => {
            // Don't add the None values

which works, but seems inelegant. 哪个有效,但看起来不够优雅。 I suspect there's something for this built into the collections library that I'm missing. 我怀疑这个内置于我缺少的馆藏库中的东西。

Is there something built in, or a more idiomatic way to accomplish this? 是否有内置的东西,或更实用的方法来实现这一目标?

input.collect{case (k, Some(v)) => (k,v)}
input flatMap {case(k,ov) => ov map {v => (k, v)}}
for ((k, Some(v)) <- input) yield (k, v)


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