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可尝试[尝试[(K,V)]]尝试[Map [K,V]]

[英]Iterable[Try[(K, V)]] to Try[Map[K, V]]

I have a method load which is relatively expensive to call. 我有一个方法load调用相对昂贵。 In order to allow some kind of exception handling during loading it returns a Try . 为了在加载过程中允许某种异常处理,它返回一个Try I need now an implementation for the loadAll method which basically delegates to load for each of the given keys. 我现在需要一个loadAll方法的实现,它基本上委托load每个给定的键。 Here is my first approach, however I don't know if this is best practices with respect to the work with Try . 这是我的第一种方法,但是我不知道这是否是关于Try的工作的最佳实践。 Is there a better way to achieve the following? 有没有更好的方法来实现以下目标?

def load(key: K): Try[V] // very expensive

def loadAll(keys: Traversable[K]): Try[Map[K, V]] = {

  // remove duplicate keys
  val ukeys = Set.empty ++ keys

  val result: Iterable[Try[(K, V)]] = ukeys map { key =>
    load(key) match {
      case Success(value)     => Success(key, value)
      case Failure(exception) => Failure(exception)

  Try(result.map { _.get }.toMap)

You can do this using a fold to iterate over the keys, and a for comprehension to combine the Try instances: 您可以使用折叠来迭代键,然后使用comp来组合Try实例:

def toSet(keys: Traversable[K]): Try[Map[K, V]] = {
  keys.toSet.foldLeft( Try( Map.empty[K, V] ) ){ case (tryMap, key) => 
    for ( m <- tryMap; v <- load( key ) ) yield m.updated( key, v )

If you're interested in a scalaz solution, this is a general operation, available via Traversable functors, called sequence . 如果您对scalaz解决方案感兴趣,这是一个通用操作,可通过Traversable仿函数获得,称为sequence Needed instances for Try reside in scalaz-contrib . Try驻留在scalaz-contrib中需要的实例。 Here's how it might look like: 这是它的样子:

Welcome to Scala version 2.10.1 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_21).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

scala> import scalaz._, Scalaz._, scalaz.contrib.std.utilTry._
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import scalaz.contrib.std.utilTry._

scala> import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.Try

scala> val result: Iterable[Try[(Int, String)]] = Iterable.empty
result: Iterable[scala.util.Try[(Int, String)]] = List()

scala> result.toList.sequence.map(_.toMap)
res0: scala.util.Try[scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String]] = Success(Map())

By the way, there's a paper "The essence of the Iterator pattern" , describing/deriving traverse (and sequence , as it's special case). 顺便说一下,有一篇论文“迭代器模式的本质” ,描述/导出traverse (和sequence ,因为它是特殊情况)。 There's a great summary of this paper by Eric Torreborre here. Eric Torreborre在这里有一篇很好的总结。


def loadAll(keys: Traversable[K]) = Try{ keys.toSet.map((k: K) => (k,load(k).get)).toMap }

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