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[英]c# Type Inference

I have an ECMContext class that inherits from DbContext. 我有一个继承自DbContext的ECMContext类。 Within ECMContext there is a property MlaArticles which is DbSet<MlaArticle> where MlaArticle is inherited from WebObject . 在ECMContext中有一个属性MlaArticles ,它是DbSet<MlaArticle> ,其中MlaArticle继承自WebObject I have created a generic method that accepts an argument of type WebObject. 我创建了一个接受WebObject类型参数的泛型方法。 The method tries to save changes to the db and if not, backs out the changes. 该方法尝试将更改保存到数据库,如果没有,则退出更改。

My question - since I already have db (which was already instantiated) and I know the type of WebObject that is being passed ( MlaArticle in this example), is there a way to refer to the DbSet collection db.MlaArticles without passing an extra argument? 我的问题 - 因为我已经有db(已经实例化)并且我知道正在传递的WebObject的类型(在这个例子中是MlaArticle ),有没有办法在不传递额外参数的情况下引用DbSet集合db.MlaArticles I know this is wrong but this exemplifies my question... 我知道这是错的,但这体现了我的问题......

protected ECMContext db;

void SaveChanges<T>(T obj) where T : WebObject 
    try { db.SaveChanges(); }
        db.MlaArticles.Remove(obj); //this is the original code
        db.DbSet<T>.Remove(obj); //something like this is what I'd like to do

Can you use the Set<T>() operation: 你可以使用Set<T>()操作:

try { db.SaveChanges(); }


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