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C ++:在IF语句退出时出现Seg Fault

[英]C++: Seg Fault on exit of IF statement

I am reposting this with all of the code this time. 我这次将所有代码重新发布。 I would appreciate not closing the post for at least a little while. 我希望不至少关闭这篇文章一段时间。 I am obviously no expert and I have never run into anything like this before but I do think it can be useful to other members. 我显然不是专家,我之前从未遇到过类似的事情,但我确实认为这对其他成员有用。 I tried the comments and agree the error is with destruction but can't find where. 我尝试了评论并同意错误是与破坏但无法找到的地方。 I have included the location of the seg fault in comment towards the bottom. 我在底部的评论中包含了seg错误的位置。 I don't have an IDE and don't know how to use the debugger surely built into xterm so I am at a loss!! 我没有IDE,也不知道如何使用xterm中确实内置的调试器,所以我不知所措!

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "File.h"

using namespace std;

string promptQuit()
    string userMode;
    "Would you like to [q]uit?  Enter any other key to continue." 
    cin >> userMode;
    cin.ignore( 1000,'\n' );
    return userMode;
int main()
    /* Variable Declarations and Initializations                              */ 
    char fileName[256];
    char destinationFile[256];
    string userMode;
    /* Begin prompting user for what they want to do, starting with           */
    /* the filename, then what they want to do with the file.  Once the user  */
    /* finishes with a particular file, they may continue with another file.  */
    /* Therefore, this loop terminates only when the user asks to quit        */
    while( userMode != "q" )
            "Welcome to the file handling system. Please type the name of the "
            "file that you wish to read from, write to, or modify followed by "
            "the <return> key:" 
        cin.getline( fileName, 256 );
        File thisFile( fileName );  
            "Current File: " << thisFile.getFileName() << "\nWhat would you "
            "like to do?\n[r]ead, [w]rite, [m]odify, or [q]uit"
        cin >> userMode;        
        // Invalid entry handling: Reset the failure bit and skip past the 
        // invalid input in the stream, then notify and re-prompt the user for 
        // valid input      
        while( !( (userMode == "w") | (userMode == "r") | (userMode == "q") | 
              (userMode == "m" ) ) )
                "Invalid entry, please try again\nWhat would you like to do?\n"
                "[r]ead, [w]rite, [m]odify, or [q]uit" 
            cin >> userMode;
            cin.ignore( 1000, '\n' );
        /* Write Mode: The user is prompted to enter one number at a time    */
        /* and this number is written to the chosen file.  If the user enters*/
        /* an invalid number, such as a letter, the user is notified and     */
        /* prompted to enter a valid real number                             */
        if( userMode == "w" )
        /* Read Mode: The user reads in the entire contents from the file    */
        /* they have chosen                                                  */
        if( userMode == "r" )
        /* Modify Mode: The user may either leave the old file unmodified and*/
        /* place the modified contents into a new file or actually modify the*/ 
        /* original file.                                                    */
        /* The user reads in one line from the file at a time and can either */
        /* choose to accept this number, replace it, delete it, or accept it */
        /* and insert one or more numbers after it.  At any time the user may*/
        /* also choose to accept the remainder of the numbers in the file    */
        if( userMode == "m" )
                "Do you want to modify the original file?\n[y]es/[n]o?" 
            string modify;
            cin >> modify;
            while( !( ( modify == "y" ) | ( modify == "n" ) ) )
                    "Invalid entry, please try again\nDo you want to modify "
                    "the original file?\n[y]es/[n]o?" 
                cin >> userMode;
                cin.ignore( 1000, '\n' );
            if( modify == "y" )
                File tempFile;
                thisFile.modify( &tempFile );
            if( modify == "n" )
                    "Please type the name of the destination file followed by "
                    "the <return> key:" 
                cin.getline( destinationFile, 256 );
                File newFile( destinationFile );
                thisFile.modify( &newFile );
/****Seg fault occurs here.  Never exits this IF but above*******/ 
/*function does return.Doesn't get past close curly brace********/
        userMode = promptQuit();
return 0;

Here is the .cpp file 这是.cpp文件

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include "File.h"

using namespace std;

// Returns ordinal number from input integer num, e.g., 1st for 1
string ordinalString( const int num )
    stringstream numeric;
    numeric << num;
    string ordinalUnit;
    string ordinal = numeric.str();
    switch( num%10 )
    case 1: ordinalUnit = "st"; break;
    case 2: ordinalUnit = "nd"; break;
    case 3: ordinalUnit = "rd"; break;
    default: ordinalUnit = "th"; break;
switch( num )
    case 11: ordinalUnit = "th"; break;
    case 12: ordinalUnit = "th"; break;
    case 13: ordinalUnit = "th"; break;
ordinal += ordinalUnit;
return ordinal;

float promptRealNumber()
float validEntry;
// Invalid entry handling: Reset the failure bit and skip past the 
// invalid input in the stream, then notify and re-prompt the user for 
// valid input
while ( !(cin >> validEntry) )
    cout << "Invalid Input: Entry must be a real number. Please try again:";                
    cin.ignore( 1000, '\n' ); 
return validEntry;

    fileName = "temp.txt";
    entries = 0;

File::File( const char * file_name )
entries = 0;
string currentLine;
fileName = file_name;
ifstream thisFile( file_name );
if ( thisFile.is_open() )
    while ( !thisFile.eof() )
        getline ( thisFile, currentLine );
    cout << "Error opening file.  File may not exist." << endl; 

File::File( const File * copyFile )
fileName = copyFile->fileName;
entries = copyFile->entries;

void File::promptNumEntries()
    "Please enter the number of entries you wish to input into " 
    << fileName << " followed by the '<return>' key" 

// Invalid entry handling: Reset the failure bit and skip past the invalid 
// input in the stream, then notify and re-prompt the user for valid input
while ( !(cin >> entries) || ( floor( entries ) != entries ) )
    cout << "Invalid Input: Entry must be an integer.  Please try again: ";         
    cin.ignore ( 1000, '\n' );  

void File::readFrom()
string currentLine;
ifstream inFile( fileName.c_str() );    
if ( inFile.is_open() )
    while ( inFile.good() )
        getline ( inFile, currentLine );
        cout << currentLine << endl;
    cout << "Error opening file.  File may not exist." << endl; 

void File::writeTo()
ofstream outFile( fileName.c_str() );
string ending;
for( int entry = 1; entry <= entries; entry++ )
    // Notify the user which entry they are currently entering so if they lose
    // their place, they can easily find which number they should be entering.
        "Please enter the " << ordinalString( entry ) << " number followed "
        "by the <return> key" 

    float entryNum = promptRealNumber();
    outFile << fixed << setprecision(1) << entryNum << endl;

void File::modify( const File * destination_file )
ifstream sourceFile( fileName.c_str() );
ofstream destinationFile( destination_file->fileName.c_str() );
string currentLine;
string entryAction;
string insertMore = "y";
float replacementEntry;
float insertEntry;
int entry = 0;

if ( sourceFile.is_open() )
    while ( !sourceFile.eof() )
        getline( sourceFile, currentLine ); 
            currentLine << endl << "Do you want to [k]eep this entry, "
            "[r]eplace it, [d]elete it, [i]nsert after it, or accept this "
            "and [a]ll remaining entries?" 
        cin >> entryAction;

        // Keep current entry.  Also called when inserting an entry since
        // this also requires keeping the current entry
        if( ( entryAction == "k" ) | ( entryAction == "i" ) )
            destinationFile << currentLine << endl;

        // Replace current entry
        if( entryAction == "r" )
                "Please type the new entry followed by the <return> key:" 
            replacementEntry = promptRealNumber();
                fixed << setprecision(1) << replacementEntry 

        // Deleting the current entry amounts to simply ignoring it and 
        // continuing to the next entry, if it exists
        if( entryAction == "d" );

        // Insert one or more entries after current entry
        if( entryAction == "i" )

            while( insertMore == "y" )
                    "Please type the entry to be inserted followed by the "
                    "<return> key:" 
                insertEntry = promptRealNumber();
                    fixed << setprecision(1) << insertEntry 
                cout << "Insert another number?\n[y]es/[n]o?" << endl;
                cin >> insertMore;
                while( !( (insertMore == "y") | (insertMore == "n" ) ) )
                        "Invalid entry, please try again\nInsert another "
                    cin >> insertMore;
                    cin.ignore( 1000, '\n' );

        // Accept all remaining entries
        if( entryAction == "a" )
            destinationFile << currentLine << endl;
            while ( entry < entries )
                getline ( sourceFile, currentLine );
                destinationFile << currentLine << endl;
    cout << "Error opening file.  File may not exist." << endl;

void File::copyFileContents( const File * to, const File * from )
ifstream fromFile( to->fileName.c_str() );
ofstream toFile( from->fileName.c_str() );
string currentLine;
while( !fromFile.fail() && !toFile.fail() )
    for( int line = 0; line < from->entries; line++ )
        getline( fromFile, currentLine );
        toFile << currentLine;

Here is the .h file 这是.h文件

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class File
    File( const char * );
    File( const File * copyFile );
    ~File() { delete this; }
    string getFileName() { return fileName; }
    float numEntries() { return entries; }
    void setNumEntries( const float numEntries ) { entries = numEntries; }
    void promptNumEntries();
    void readFrom();
    void writeTo();
    void modify( const File * );
    void copyFileContents( const File * , const File * );
    string fileName;
    float entries;

I tried commenting out the sourceFile.close() statement and still nothing. 我试着注释掉sourceFile.close()语句但仍然没有。 I know its a lot of code but whoever can help would be my hero of the century!! 我知道它的代码很多,但无论谁能提供帮助都将是我这个世纪的英雄!

Remove delete(this) from the destructor! 从析构函数中删除delete(this)

You aren't constructing a File with new (since you're using a static instance on the stack), but the destructor is called anyway. 您没有使用new构建File (因为您在堆栈上使用静态实例),但无论如何都要调用析构函数。 So the delete statement is invalid and probably causes the segfault. 因此delete语句无效,可能导致段错误。

I've once seen a SEG fault on an if statement and the cause of it (after many hours of misery) turned out to be because I was accessing a private data member of the object, but that I had already started to destroy the object. 我曾经在if语句中看到过一个SEG错误,并且它的原因(经过几个小时的痛苦)原来是因为我正在访问该对象的私有数据成员,但我已经开始销毁该对象。

My guess is that it might be this line as that looks to me that you are destroying a resource that you are still using.: 我的猜测是它可能就是这条线,因为在我看来你正在摧毁你仍在使用的资源:


Try commenting that out and see how it goes. 尝试评论一下,看看它是怎么回事。

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