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[英]How do i speed up a python nested loop?

I'm trying to calculate the gravity effect of a buried object by calculating the effect on each side of the body then summing up the contributions to get one measurement at one station, an repeating for a number of stations. 我正在尝试通过计算身体每一侧的效果来计算掩埋物体的重力效果,然后将其总和累加起来,以便在一个测站上进行一次测量,并重复多个测站。 the code is as follows( the body is a square and the code calculates clockwise around it, that's why it goes from -x back to -x coordinates) 代码如下(主体是一个正方形,代码围绕它按顺时针方向进行计算,这就是为什么它从-x返回到-x坐标的原因)

grav = []

#-9.79742526     9.78716693    22.32153704    27.07382349  2138.27146193
xcorn = (-9.79742526,9.78716693 ,9.78716693 ,-9.79742526,-9.79742526)
zcorn = (22.32153704,22.32153704,27.07382349,27.07382349,22.32153704)
gamma = (6.672*(10**-11))#'N m^2 / Kg^2'
rho = 2138.27146193#'Kg / m^3'
grav = []
def procedure():
    for i in si.arange(len(x)):# cycles position
        sum_lines = 0.0

        for n in si.arange(len(xcorn)-1):#cycles corners
            x1 = xcorn[n]-x[i]
            x2 = xcorn[n+1]-x[i]
            z1 = zcorn[n]-0.0  #just depth to corner since all observations are on the surface.
            z2 = zcorn[n+1]-0.0
            r1 = ((z1**2) + (x1**2))**0.5
            r2 = ((z2**2) + (x2**2))**0.5 
            O1 = si.arctan2(z1,x1)
            O2 = si.arctan2(z2,x2)
            denom = z2-z1
            if denom == 0.0:
                denom = 1.0e-6

            alpha = (x2-x1)/denom

            beta = ((x1*z2)-(x2*z1))/denom
            factor = (beta/(1.0+(alpha**2)))
            term1 = si.log(r2/r1)#log base 10
            term2 = alpha*(O2-O1)
            sum_lines = sum_lines + (factor*(term1-term2))
        sum_lines = sum_lines*2*gamma*rho
        t1 = time.clock()
        dt = t1-t0

Any help in speeding this loop up would be appreciated Thanks. 感谢您对加快此循环速度的任何帮助。

Your xcorn and zcorn values repeat, so consider caching the result of some of the computations. 您的xcorn和zcorn值会重复,因此请考虑缓存某些计算的结果。

Take a look at the timeit and profile modules to get more information about what is taking the most computational time. 查看timeit和profile模块,以获取有关花费最多计算时间的更多信息。

It is very inefficient to access individual elements of a numpy array in a Python loop. 在Python循环中访问numpy数组的各个元素的效率非常低。 For example, this Python loop: 例如,以下Python循环:

for i in xrange(0, len(a), 2):
    a[i] = i

would be much slower than: 会比以下慢得多:

a[::2] = np.arange(0, len(a), 2)

You could use a better algorithm (less time complexity) or use vector operations on numpy arrays as in the example above. 您可以使用更好的算法(较少的时间复杂性)或对numpy数组使用矢量运算,如上例所示。 But the quicker way might be just to compile the code using Cython : 但是更快的方法可能只是使用Cython编译代码:

#cython: boundscheck=False, wraparound=False
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np

ctypedef np.float64_t dtype_t

def procedure(np.ndarray[dtype_t,ndim=1] x, 
              np.ndarray[dtype_t,ndim=1] xcorn):
        Py_ssize_t i, j
        dtype_t x1, x2, z1, z2, r1, r2, O1, O2 
        np.ndarray[dtype_t,ndim=1] grav = np.empty_like(x)
    for i in range(x.shape[0]):
        for j in range(xcorn.shape[0]-1):
            x1 = xcorn[j]-x[i]
            x2 = xcorn[j+1]-x[i]
        grav[i] = ...
    return grav

It is not necessary to define all types but if you need a significant speed up compared to Python you should define at least types of arrays and loop indexes. 不必定义所有类型,但是与Python相比,如果需要显着提高速度,则至少应定义数组和循环索引的类型。

You could use cProfile (Cython supports it) instead of manual calls to time.clock() . 您可以使用cProfile (Cython支持它)来代替手动调用time.clock()

To call procedure() : 调用procedure()

#!/usr/bin/env python
import pyximport; pyximport.install() # pip install cython
import numpy as np

from procedure_module import procedure

x = np.arange(-30.0,30.0,0.5)
xcorn = np.array((-9.79742526,9.78716693 ,9.78716693 ,-9.79742526,-9.79742526))
grav = procedure(x, xcorn)

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