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[英]correct way to format a javascript function

Just a quick one... 快一点......

what's the correct way to format a javascript function? 什么是格式化javascript函数的正确方法?

I see it like this: 我这样看:

function doThis(){

and like this: 和这样:

doThis = function(){

Or maybe it make no difference. 或许它没有任何区别。 Please let me know whats best or if they both have different rasons or purposes. 请让我知道什么是最好的,或者他们都有不同的rasons或目的。

Cheers 干杯


They are two different things, although they both create a function (and assign it to a variable). 它们是两个不同的东西,虽然它们都创建了一个函数(并将其赋值给变量)。

function name () {

Is a function-statement (or "function declaration"). 函数语句 (或“函数声明”)。 It is only legal to appear as a top-level script element or directly as an element of a function: that is, it is not legal for a function-statement to appear inside an if , or while , etc. All function statements are "lifted" to the top of the function (or script), thus the following is valid: 它是唯一合法的出现为顶级脚本元素或直接作为函数的元素:即,它是不合法的函数声明内部的出现if ,或while ,等所有功能声明“提升“到函数(或脚本)的顶部,因此以下是有效的:

function a () { alert("a") }

In the form: 形式如下:

variable = function name () {} // or variable = function () {}

The function keyword is in a function-expression context: it creates a new function-object and the resulting function-object (just a "normal value") is assigned to variable . function关键字位于函数表达式上下文中:它创建一个新的函数对象,并将得到的函数对象(只是一个“正常值”)赋给variable The following is not valid because function-expressions are not lifted. 以下内容无效,因为函数表达式未被提升。

var b
b() // oops, does not evaluate to a function-object yet!
b = function b () { alert("b") }

All that being said, the "correct way" is to use the function-statement ("function declaration") form unless there is reason to do otherwise. 所有这一切,“正确的方法”是使用函数声明(“函数声明”)形式,除非有理由不这样做。

Happy coding. 快乐的编码。

See also: 也可以看看:

There is an important and also useful difference between those syntaxes. 这些语法之间存在重要且有用的区别。

Encapsulation 封装

In OOP it is very useful to use encapsulation, which is a mechanism for restricting access to other objects. 在OOP中,使用封装非常有用,封装是一种限制对其他对象的访问的机制。 The difference between public and private vars/functions in javascript could stated like this: javascript中公共和私有变量/函数之间的区别可以这样说:

function Color(value)
    // public variable
    this.value = value; // get from arguments

    // private variable
    var _name = "test";

   // public function
   this.getRandomColor = function( )
     return Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF;

   // private function
   function getNiceColor()
     return 0xffcc00;

Testing public 公共测试

The public variables and functions inside the a color-instance are accessible: 可以访问颜色实例中的公共变量和函数:

// create instance of Color
var color = new Color(0xFF0000);
alert( color.value ); // returns red color
alert( color.getRandomColor() ); // returns random color

Testing privates 测试私有

Private variables and functions cannot be accessed from the color-instance: 无法从color-instance访问私有变量和函数:

var color = new Color(0x0000FF); 
alert( color.getNiceColor() ); // error in console; property does not exist, because function is private.
alert( color._name ); // error in console; property does not exist, because variable is private.

It could be better to use good-old prototypes when using public functions, because this method of coding could cause problems with inheritence. 在使用公共函数时使用好的原型可能会更好,因为这种编码方法可能会导致继承问题。

Check out the first some 10-15 slides from [1], they talk about this 查看[1]中的前10-15张幻灯片,他们谈论这个

[1] http://ejohn.org/apps/learn/ [1] http://ejohn.org/apps/learn/

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