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[英]jquery programmatically click on new dom element

I am trying to do something tricky (at least to me) in jquery. 我正在尝试在jquery中(至少对我来说)很棘手。 I have a checkbox that is bound to a function called add_course which looks like this: 我有一个复选框绑定到名为add_course的函数,该函数如下所示:

    function add_course(){
        var id = $(this).attr('id');
        if ($(this).is(':checked')){

            if($('#courseInput').val().search(id) < 0){
                $('#CourseSummary').append('<span id="cn'+id+'"><a href="#" class="courseDel" id="'+id+'">X</a> '+$('#course'+id+' a').html()+'<br/></span>');
                    return value+ id +',1;';
            //This is where my question refers to. 

When someone checks the checkbox, a span with some data and a link are added to the page. 当某人选中该复选框时,带有一些数据的跨度和链接将添加到页面。 The new link is connected to a different function with 新链接通过以下方式连接到其他功能

$('.courseDel').live('click', del_course); 

del_course does a whole bunch of stuff, just like add_course. 就像add_course一样,del_course会做很多事情。

As you can see in the add_course function. 如您在add_course函数中所见。 I check whether the checkbox has been checked and only do stuff if it has been. 我检查该复选框是否已被选中,并且仅在已选中时才做。

here is del_course: 这是del_course:

     function del_course(){
        var id = $(this).attr('id');
            return value.replace(id+',1;',"");

I would like to have the else part of my add_course function trigger the del_course for the corresponding link that got added when the checkbox was checked. 我想让我的add_course函数的else部分为选中复选框时添加的相应链接触发del_course。 This isn't working. 这不起作用。 I've probably over complicated something. 我可能已经解决了一些复杂的问题。

here is the html for the checkbox (an example of one of them): 这是复选框的html(其中一个示例):

<input type="checkbox" class="courseAdd" name="courseAdd" id="204"/>

here is the html for the link that gets added when someone clicks a checkbox: 这是当某人单击复选框时添加的链接的html:

<span id="cn204"><a href="#" class="courseDel" id="204">X</a> Course Title<br/></span>

It works great when someone clicks the link, but how do i trigger it programatically? 当有人单击链接时,它的效果很好,但是我如何以编程方式触发它?

Since you have the ID of the element that you created, simply refernce the ID and use the trigger() method: 由于您具有创建的元素的ID,因此只需引用ID并使用trigger()方法即可:


Also, an ID that is just a number is incorrect: 另外,一个仅是数字的ID是不正确的:

ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods ("."). ID和NAME令牌必须以字母([A-Za-z])开头,然后可以跟任意数量的字母,数字([0-9]),连字符(“-”),下划线(“ _”) ,冒号(“:”)和句点(“。”)。



In the long term, it might help to reorganize your code a bit so that you decouple the DOM event-handling from the application logic. 从长远来看,这可能有助于重新组织代码,以便将DOM事件处理与应用程序逻辑分离。

//Functions to add and remove stuff (these are *not* event handlers)
//Since they now receive explicit parameters
// you have full power over when to add and remove stuff and functions
// can very easily call eachother if needed.

//You can have any kind of state you might need, without having to 
//trick the dom into storing it for you:
var currentlySelectedCourse = null;

function add_course(id){
    //its now easy to access global state like the 
    //currently open course
    //and it is now easy to call other functions like del_course

function del_course(id){

//event handling can now become just a simple layer...

$('.courseDel').live('click', function(){
     var id = //get the id or what parameters you need
     del_course(id); //pass it to the backend function

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