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[英]extract values from a query regex

I need to extract the values ​​of a condition (WHERE) and did a regex, but I can not get the values ​​correctly. 我需要提取条件(WHERE)的值并进行正则表达式,但我无法正确获取值。

$regex  = "/([a-zA-Z_]+)\s([\<\=\>\s]{0,4})\s+(\".*\")/";

//values ​​to be extracted
$string = 'idCidade >= "bla" OR idEstado="2" and idPais="3"'; 

//regex function

//displays the result
echo '<pre>';print_r($output);

//incorrect output
   [0] => Array
        [0] => idCidade >= "bla" OR idEstado="2" and idPais="3"

   [1] => Array
        [0] => idCidade 

   [2] => Array
        [0] => >= 

   [3] => Array
        [0] => "bla" OR idEstado="2" and idPais="3"

I need the regular expression to export the values ​​to an array like this; 我需要正则表达式将值导出到这样的数组;

//correct output
   [0] => Array
        [0] => idCidade >= "bla" OR idEstado="2" and idPais="3"

   [1] => Array
        [0] => idCidade
        [1] => idEstado
        [2] => idPais

   [2] => Array
        [0] => >=
        [1] => =
        [2] => =

   [3] => Array
        [0] => "bla"
        [1] => "2"
        [2] => "3"
   [4] => Array
        [0] => "OR"
        [1] => "AND"
        [2] => ""

Your mistake was probably the .* which matches too much. 您的错误可能是匹配过多的.* You'd need to make it "ungreedy" with appending a question mark: .*? 您需要添加一个问号使它“不舒服”: .*?

I would however suggest this regex: 但是我建议使用此正则表达式:


This matches the boolean connector first and optionally, so that you get: 这首先匹配布尔连接器,也可以选择匹配,因此您将获得:

[1] => Array
        [0] => 
        [1] => OR
        [2] => and

[2] => Array
        [0] => idCidade
        [1] => idEstado
        [2] => idPais

[3] => Array
        [0] => >=
        [1] => =
        [2] => =

[4] => Array
        [0] => "bla"
        [1] => "2"
        [2] => "3"

I've also made it work for SQL-compliant strings and decimals. 我也使它适用于SQL兼容的字符串和小数。 But this is only borderline a job for regex. 但这仅仅是正则表达式的一项工作。 A real parser would be advisable. 建议使用真正的解析器。 (Though I don't know your use case.) (尽管我不知道您的用例。)

Try this. 尝试这个。 This outputs the exact result you need. 这将输出您需要的确切结果。

<?php  //Patherns
$regex  = '/([a-zA-Z_]+)\s*([>=<]*)\s*"([^"]*)"\s*(or|and)*/i';

//values to be extracted
$string = 'idCidade >= "bla" OR idEstado="2" and idPais="3"';

//regex function

//displays the result
echo '<pre>';print_r($output);

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