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[英]Can I use python static variables to communicate between two modules?

I have two files, one that performs a step in an automated test and a second that stores and emails the test results. 我有两个文件,一个在自动化测试中执行一个步骤,另一个用于存储和通过电子邮件发送测试结果。 Both files are kicked off using a Hudson server and I need the first module to share information with the second, but when I access the static variables in the Reporter module, they have the initial values of 'None'. 两个文件都是使用Hudson服务器启动的,我需要第一个模块与第二个模块共享信息,但是当我访问Reporter模块中的静态变量时,它们的初始值为“None”。 I've cut the files down to the bare minimum in order to focus on getting the data sharing to work. 我已将文件减少到最低限度,以便专注于使数据共享工作。 File one is: 文件一是:


    from reports import Reporter 
    import time

    class Flash_Device(): 
        def Begin_Flashing( self ):
            Reporter.flash_start_time = time.time() 

    if ( __name__ == "__main__" ): 
        flasher = Flash_Device()

The second file is the reporting file defined something like the code below: 第二个文件是报告文件,其定义类似于以下代码:


    class Reporter():
        flash_start_time = None 

        def Report_Results( self ): 
            print "Flash start time:", Reporter.flash_start_time  

    if ( __name__ == "__main__" ):
        reporter = Reporter() 

What I was hoping for is that I execute flasher.py, which updates the static variable flash_start_time, and then can access the updated value when executing reporter.py. 我希望的是我执行flashher.py,它更新静态变量flash_start_time,然后在执行reporter.py时可以访问更新的值。 Will that work if I make the method Begin_Flashing() static? 如果我将方法Begin_Flashing()设为静态,那会有用吗?

No. The problem is that only one module can be "__main__" , therefore only one main stanza will be run. 不会。问题是只有一个模块可以是"__main__" ,因此只会运行一个主要节。

There's nothing wrong with your code though, except that you import Monkey_Reporter when you probably mean to import Reporter . 有没有错,你的代码虽然,除了导入Monkey_Reporter当你大概的意思导入Reporter And no, accessing it via reports wouldn't change anything; 不,通过reports访问它不会改变任何东西; they're still the same class. 他们仍然是同一个班级。

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