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[英]C# @ modifier for methods parameters

I was using ReSharper plugin on VS2010 and i was generating an interface method. 我在VS2010上使用ReSharper插件,我正在生成一个接口方法。 ReSharper put an @ on the parameter name. ReSharper在参数名称上加了@。 WHat is that used for? 那用的是什么?

int Count(Func<ContratoList, bool> @where);

Whats the difference for 什么是差异

int Count(Func<ContratoList, bool> where);

Thanks! 谢谢!

The @ symbol allows you to use reserved words in a variable name. @符号允许您在变量名中使用保留字

int @class = 1;

void MyMethod(int @goto);

bool @public { get; set; }

As Marc correctly pointed out in his comment and his answer, ReSharper is actually wrong to do this because where is a Contextual Keyword and is not actually a reserved word, so your method will compile without the @ . 正如马克正确他的意见,他的回答中指出,实际上ReSharper的是错误要做到这一点,因为where是一个关联关键字的,实际上并不是一个保留字,所以你的方法编译没有@

In many ways, resharper is wrong to do this. 在许多方面,resharper做错了。 where is a contextual keyword, meaning: it only acts as a keyword in some very specific scenarios (ie LINQ). where是一个上下文关键字,意思是:它只在一些非常特定的场景(即LINQ)中充当关键字。 In the position indicated, it actually does nothing. 在所示的位置,它实际上什么也没做。 It would not be confused as a keyword there, as when the C# language designers add keywords to C# they need to ensure pre-existing code continues to compile (as far as possible), and that would have been legal in earlier C#. 它不会被混淆为关键字,因为当C#语言设计者向C#添加关键字时,他们需要确保预先存在的代码继续编译(尽可能),这在早期的C#中是合法的。

The usage of @ also confuses/complicates some tools (razor, in particular, since razor already uses @ to indicate the start of code - meaning that for a variable using @ (ie @string ) sometimes you need @ and sometimes you need @@ - and I know of at least one false-positive IDE warning this can cause). @的使用也使某些工具混淆/复杂化(特别是razor,因为razor已经使用@来表示代码的开头 - 这意味着对于使用@的变量(即@string ),有时你需要@ ,有时你需要@@ - 我知道至少有一个假阳性的IDE警告可能导致这种情况。

However! 然而! If the parameter was if or class etc, then @if / @class allows you to use that as a variable name rather than getting confused as a C# keyword. 如果参数是ifclass等,则@if / @class允许您将其用作变量名而不是混淆为C#关键字。 That also isn't a great idea, note. 注意,这也不是一个好主意。 But by the same token, we wouldn't start doing that to all our code ( string @name = ... etc) - so why do it here? 但出于同样的原因,我们不会开始对我们所有的代码( string @name = ...等)这样做 - 所以为什么要在这里呢? It isn't needed, and as demonstrated by this question , it has added confusion. 它不是必需的, 正如这个问题所证明的那样 ,它增加了混乱。

Personally, though, I'd find a parameter name that isn't a keyword or contextual-keyword. 但就个人而言,我会找到一个不是关键字或上下文关键字的参数名称。





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