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使用 std::vector 或数组初始化 boost 矩阵

[英]Initializing boost matrix with a std::vector or array

I have a method that takes a std::vector as one of its parameters.我有一个将 std::vector 作为其参数之一的方法。 Is there a way I can initialize a matrix by assigning the std::vector to the matrix?有没有办法通过将 std::vector 分配给矩阵来初始化矩阵? Here's what I tried to do below.这是我在下面尝试做的。 Does anyone know how i can achieve assigning the vector (or even a pointer of doubles) to the matrix?有谁知道我如何实现将向量(甚至是双精度指针)分配给矩阵? Thanks in advance.提前致谢。 Mike麦克风

void Foo(std::vector v)
    matrix<double> m(m, n, v);
    // work with matrix...

Here is yet another example of how this can be done:这是如何做到这一点的另一个例子:

#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/storage.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>

namespace ublas = boost::numeric::ublas;

template <typename T, typename F=ublas::row_major>
ublas::matrix<T, F> makeMatrix(std::size_t m, std::size_t n, const std::vector<T> & v)
    if(m*n!=v.size()) {
        ; // Handle this case
    ublas::unbounded_array<T> storage(m*n);
    std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), storage.begin());
    return ublas::matrix<T>(m, n, storage);

int main () {;
    std::vector<double> vec {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
    ublas::matrix<double> mm = makeMatrix(3,2,vec);
    std::cout << mm << std::endl;

A more convenient way is like this:更方便的方法是这样的:

matrix<double> m(m*n);
std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), m.data().begin());

According to the boost matrix documentation , there are 3 constructors for the matrix class: empty, copy, and one taking two size_types for the number of rows and columns.根据boost matrix 文档,矩阵类有 3 个构造函数:empty、copy 和一个采用两个 size_types 表示行数和列数。 Since boost doesn't define it (probably because there are many ways to do it and not every class is gong to define a conversion into every other class) you are going to need to define the conversion.由于 boost 没有定义它(可能是因为有很多方法可以做到这一点,并且不是每个类都将定义一个转换为每个其他类),因此您将需要定义转换。

Here's an approach that I would use, but since there are multiple ways to do this and the question doesn't specify how you want this done you may find a different approach more applicable to your situation.这是我会使用的一种方法,但由于有多种方法可以做到这一点,并且问题没有具体说明您希望如何完成这项工作,您可能会发现一种更适用于您的情况的不同方法。

void Foo(const std::vector<double> & v) {
   size_t m = ... // you need to specify
   size_t n = ... // you need to specify

   if(v.size() < m * n)   { // the vector size has to be bigger or equal than m * n
      // handle this situation

   matrix<double> mat(m, n);
   for(size_t i=0; i<mat.size1(); i++) {
      for(size_t j=0; j<mat.size2(); j++) {
         mat(i,j) = v[i+j*mat.size1()];

A couple of notes about your provided code: std::vector needs a templated argument and you are declaring m as a matrix and an input argument to it's constructor.关于您提供的代码的一些说明: std::vector 需要一个模板化参数,并且您将m声明为矩阵和它的构造函数的输入参数。

Simple answer, but not very apparent from the Boost documentation.简单的答案,但从 Boost 文档中不是很明显。

You may just use std::vector<> as type of storage array template paramerter instead of default unbounded_array<> for your matrix.您可以只使用 std::vector<> 作为存储数组模板参数的类型,而不是默认的 unbounded_array<> 矩阵。 (It's mentioned in footnote 2 of documentation on matrix<> class.) (它在关于 matrix<> 类的文档的脚注 2 中提到。)

void Foo(const std::vector<double> &v, size_t n)
    using namespace boost::numeric::ublas;

    size_t m = v.size() / n;
    matrix< double, row_major, std::vector<double> > M(m, n);
    M.data() = v;

    // work with matrix...

More variants of initialization can be found in your boost source: boost/libs/numeric/ublas/doc/samples/assignment_examples.cpp , as pointed out here: assign multiple values to boost::numeric::ublas::vector in c++更多的初始化变体可以在你的 boost 源中找到: boost/libs/numeric/ublas/doc/samples/assignment_examples.cpp ,正如这里所指出的: assign multiple values to boost::numeric::ublas::vector in c++

Or here: uBLAS examples , example 3, which is mentioned by related question: ublas: Wrap ublas::vector as ublas::matrix_expression或者在这里: uBLAS examples ,example 3,相关问题提到: ublas: Wrap ublas::vector as ublas::matrix_expression

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