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[英]Advancing wizard from code-behind in ASP.NET

I have a wizard on my page, and it has a "Next" button. 我的页面上有一个向导,它有一个“下一步”按钮。 I would like to "click" that button from code-behind when clicking another button on the page. 当我点击页面上的另一个按钮时,我想从代码隐藏中“点击”该按钮。

More specifically: There is a button on my page that has two functions: after clicking it, in the postback, it either sets up the code required to reload the page and display a popup, or it advances the wizard if it deems the popup unnecessary. 更具体地说:我的页面上有一个按钮,它有两个功能:点击它后,在回发中,它设置重新加载页面所需的代码并显示一个弹出窗口,或者如果它认为不需要弹出窗口则向前推进向导。 In case the popup is shown, it contains a button to advance the wizard. 如果显示弹出窗口,它包含一个按钮以推进向导。

Some code snippets: 一些代码片段:

Wizard init: 向导初始化:

<asp:Wizard ID="RegistrationWizard" meta:resourcekey="RegistrationWizard"
    runat="server" OnFinishButtonClick="RegistrationWizard_FinishButtonClick" 

Button to show popup or advance: 按钮显示弹出或前进:

<asp:Button ID="btnModulesNextPostBack" runat="server" CssClass="submit rounded"
    meta:resourcekey="btnNext" onclick="btnModulesNextPostBack_Click" />

Button to advance wizard: 按钮推进向导:

<asp:Button ID="btnModulesStepNext" runat="server" CssClass="submit rounded" 
    meta:resourcekey="btnNext" CommandName="MoveNext" />

Code-behind of the btnModulesNextPostBack_Click method: btnModulesNextPostBack_Click方法的代码隐藏:

protected void btnModulesNextPostBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    showPopup = false; // if set to true: will open popup in postback
    // ... code to determine if popup should be shown
    if (!showNewsletterPopup)
        // TODO! trigger "move to next step in wizard"

I don't know what to place in the TODO line, because I want to be sure that all other methods related to the wizard get called in the same order as usual too (RegistrationWizard_NextButtonClick and RegistrationWizard_ActiveStepChanged and maybe others the wizard code calls internally). 我不知道在TODO行中放置什么,因为我想确保与向导相关的所有其他方法也按照通常的顺序调用(RegistrationWizard_NextButtonClick和RegistrationWizard_ActiveStepChanged以及向导代码在内部调用的其他方法)。

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点? (.net version is 4.0) (.net版本是4.0)

You should be able to just increment the ActiveStepIndex : 您应该只能增加ActiveStepIndex


You could also use the MoveTo method: 您还可以使用MoveTo方法:


Lastly, if you want to navigate the wizard forward and backwards, you can use the NextButtonClick and PreviousButtonClick : 最后,如果要向前和向后导航向导,可以使用NextButtonClickPreviousButtonClick

protected void wzServiceOrder_PreviousButtonClicked(object sender, WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
    //decrement the active step index

    //move the wizard to the active step

/// <summary>
/// Handles wzServiceOrder OnNextButtonClick event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
protected void wzServiceOrder_NextButtonClicked(object sender, WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
    //increment the active step index

    //move the wizard to the active step

    if (e.NextStepIndex > Wizard1.WizardSteps.IndexOf(WizardStep1))
        if (!contactsExist)
            e.Cancel = true;

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