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iOS Hello World over socket

[英]iOS Hello World over socket

I need to implement simple socket communication (strings) between iOS app and my Java socket server. 我需要在iOS应用程序和我的Java套接字服务器之间实现简单的套接字通信(字符串)。 I manage to connect the two, but I cannot send any messages. 我设法连接这两个,但我不能发送任何消息。 Java server is pretty much taken from this example , and this is part of my code where I establish connection and (try to) send message to server: Java服务器几乎取自这个例子 ,这是我建立连接和(尝试)向服务器发送消息的代码的一部分:

- (void)initNetworkCommunication {
CFReadStreamRef readStream;
CFWriteStreamRef writeStream;
CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost(NULL, (CFStringRef)@"", 2004, &readStream, &writeStream);
self.inputStream = objc_unretainedObject(readStream);
self.outputStream = objc_unretainedObject(writeStream);
[self.inputStream setDelegate:self];
[self.outputStream setDelegate:self];
[self.inputStream scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
[self.outputStream scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
[self.inputStream open];
[self.outputStream open];

- (void)sendMessage {
NSString *response  = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"aaa"];
NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithData:[response dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]];
[self.outputStream write:[data bytes] maxLength:[data length]];

- (void)stream:(NSStream *)theStream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)streamEvent {

NSLog(@"stream event %i", streamEvent);

switch (streamEvent) {

    case NSStreamEventOpenCompleted:
        NSLog(@"Stream opened");
    case NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:

        if (theStream == self.inputStream) {

            uint8_t buffer[1024];
            int len;

            while ([self.inputStream hasBytesAvailable]) {
                len = [self.inputStream read:buffer maxLength:sizeof(buffer)];
                if (len > 0) {

                    NSString *output = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:buffer length:len encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];

                    if (nil != output) {

                        NSLog(@"server said: %@", output);
                        //[self messageReceived:output];


    case NSStreamEventErrorOccurred:

        NSLog(@"Can not connect to the host!");

    case NSStreamEventEndEncountered:

        [theStream close];
        [theStream removeFromRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
        theStream = nil;

        NSLog(@"Unknown event");

- (IBAction)loginButtonClicked {
[self initNetworkCommunication];
[self sendMessage];

Too late for a reply.. Hope this helps someone... 答复太迟了..希望这有助于某人......

To send a String over Sockets, you must mark the end of the string. 要通过套接字发送字符串,必须标记字符串的结尾。 ie; 即; Add a \\n 添加\\ n

For the above example : 对于上面的例子:

Method : sendMessage 方法: sendMessage

NSString *response  = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"aaa\n"];

Better to add something that can't be typed - eg, 0x00 - at the end. 最好添加一些无法输入的内容 - 例如,0x00 - 。 That way your message can contain anything. 这样你的消息可以包含任何东西。

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