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[英]Matlab coding help matrix manupulation

I am working on this coding for my heat transfer class. 我正在为我的传热课程编写代码。 The number are suppose to be other equations but I replaced them with numbers to simply it 这个数字被认为是其他方程式,但我用数字代替它们







Nx = (l/dx+1); %nodes in the x direction

Ny = (w/dy+1); %nodes in the y direction


for m = (1:Nx) %node counter in x nodes

   for n = (1:Ny) %node counter in y nodes

      if n==1;  %left side

      elseif m==1 && n<Ny;%Heat Flux


      elseif m>=2 && n==Ny && m<Nx;  %insulated, right side

      elseif n>=2 && n<=Ny-1 && m==Nx ; %insulated, bottom side


      elseif m>=((.325*l)/dx)+1 && m<=((.675*l)/dx)+1 && n>=((.325*w)/dy)+1 && n<=

           T(m,n) = 400;%center or steam 
      elseif m>1 && m<Nx && n>1 && n<Ny

           T(m,n) = 90;

       elseif m==1 && n==Ny;

           **T(m,n)=T(m+2,n)/2;%**<-------------------this wont work properly**** 

       elseif n==Nx && m==Ny;

           T(m,n)= 110;




I am not sure why it will not choose the correct value and divide it by 2 rather it is saying the answer is 0 when it is suppose to be T(2,5) which is 70/2=35? 我不确定为什么它不会选择正确的值并将其除以2而不是说当答案是T(2,5)时它是0(= 20 = 35)?

T =

    50    60    60    60     0
    50    90    90    90    70
    50    90   400    90    70
    50    90    90    90    70
    50    80    80    80   110

any help would be appreciate it 任何帮助都会很感激

Thanks 谢谢

As I see it, 照我看来,

You are trying to access the element of the Matrix which is still initialized to zero. 您正在尝试访问仍初始化为零的Matrix元素。 T Matrix is Zero(5,5). T矩阵为零(5,5)。

And the condition : if m==1 && n==Ny gets executed early in the iteration, at which time, m=1, and n=5 and T(2,5)=0. 条件: if m==1 && n==Ny在迭代的早期执行,那时m = 1,n = 5,T(2,5)= 0。

So you have T(1,5)=0 所以你有T(1,5)= 0

So, I would suggest you debug the code and you check the content of Matrix M at the end of each iteration. 所以,我建议你调试代码,并在每次迭代结束时检查Matrix M的内容。

The reason T(1,5) is zero is that the indicated line of code is executed at a point when T(3,5) is still set to zero - it has not yet been filled with the value 70, and therefore T(1,5) is set to 0/2 = 0. T(1,5)为零的原因是所指示的代码行在T(3,5)仍被设置为零时执行 - 它尚未填充值70,因此T( 1,5)设置为0/2 = 0。

If you loop through the values of m in reverse order, by modifying the code to be 如果以相反的顺序遍历m的值,则通过修改代码

for m = (Nx:-1:1)

you'll find that T(3,5) is now set to 70 before T(1,5) is set, and T(1,5) is now correctly set to 35. 你会发现T(3,5)现在在设置T(1,5)之前设置为70,而T(1,5)现在正确设置为35。

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