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终端中出现“bash:__ gitdir:command not found”错误

[英]“bash: __gitdir: command not found” error in terminal

Whenever I'm working in the command window, I get the error: "bash: __gitdir: command not found" right above the working line (in other words, right after any command, before it prompts for a new one). 每当我在命令窗口工作时,我得到错误:工作线正上方的“bash:__ gitdir:command not found”(换句话说,在任何命令之后,在它提示新的命令之前)。

Any ideas as to what is going on to bring this up? 有什么想法可以提出这个问题吗?

__gitdir is a function supplied by the git-completion.bash script that lets bash do auto-complete when you type git commands. __gitdirgit-completion.bash脚本提供的一个函数,它允许bash在你输入git命令时自动完成。 Are you using __gitdir in your .bashrc or other profile/login script without sourcing git-completion.bash ? 您是否在.bashrc或其他配置文件/登录脚本中使用__gitdir而没有采购git-completion.bash

You probably have something calling that command in your .bashrc file. 您可能在.bashrc文件中调用了该命令。

Try searching for __gitdir in it: 尝试在其中搜索__gitdir:

$ grep __gitdir ~/.bashrc

Or maybe post its content, and it will probably be easier to help. 或者发布其内容,它可能会更容易提供帮助。

The fancy git prompt may be enabled via the function __git_ps1 , which can be embedded in PS1 and called every time your prompt is printed. 可以通过函数__git_ps1启用花哨的git提示,该函数可以嵌入到PS1并在每次打印提示时调用。 It's defined when sourcing a specific, but potentially different file than the one that defines __gitdir . 它是在定义特定但可能不同于定义__gitdir文件时定义的。 The __git_ps1 (which calls __gitdir ) could be in perhaps /etc/bash_completion.d/git-prompt or /usr/share/git-core/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh or /etc/bash_completion.d/git (etc)... __git_ps1 (调用__gitdir )可能在/etc/bash_completion.d/git-prompt/usr/share/git-core/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh/etc/bash_completion.d/git (等等)...

But if __git_ps1 ends up getting defined, but __gitdir does not, then you would get this error (every time your prompt is printed). 但是如果__git_ps1最终定义,但__gitdir没有定义,那么你会得到这个错误(每次打印你的提示)。 For example, if __gitdir is defined in /etc/* , but __git_ps1 is found in /usr/share/* , then in a chroot env you may end up with __git_ps1 defined but __gitdir not defined. 例如,如果__gitdir中定义/etc/* ,但__git_ps1被发现/usr/share/* ,然后在chroot ENV你可能会最终__git_ps1定义,但__gitdir没有定义。

To "quiet" the error message, either remove the fancy git prompt, or just define it: __gitdir() { :; } 要“安静”错误消息,请删除花哨的git提示符,或者只是定义它: __gitdir() { :; } __gitdir() { :; }

This will not exactly address the original question context, but might be useful for newer Ubuntu users migrating from older versions... 这不会完全解决原始问题上下文,但可能对从较旧版本迁移的较新Ubuntu用户有用...

I recently upgraded an old Ubuntu 12.04 machine to newer version of Ubuntu and I started seeing errors about __git_dir missing due to my PS1 settings like explained by the other answers. 我最近将一台旧的Ubuntu 12.04机器升级到了更新版本的Ubuntu,我开始看到由于我的PS1设置而错过__git_dir错误,如其他答案所解释的那样。 To understand why this shell function was not any more defined I figured my .bashrc was not up-to-date with the newer Ubuntu conventions. 为了理解为什么这个shell函数没有被定义,我认为我的.bashrc与最新的Ubuntu约定不是最新的。

My old .bashrc that was based on the one originally provided by old Ubuntu system had something similar to this: 我的旧.bashrc基于最初由旧的Ubuntu系统提供的那个有类似的东西:

if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then
  . /etc/bash_completion

while .bashrc files created by newer Ubuntu systems first try to use /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion : 由较新的Ubuntu系统创建的.bashrc文件首先尝试使用/usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion

if ! shopt -oq posix; then
  if [ -f /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ]; then
    . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
  elif [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
    . /etc/bash_completion

When I replaced the old bash completion sourcing with the newer one, I got __git_dir defined and was happy ever after. 当我用新的替换旧的bash完成源时,我定义了__git_dir并且从此开心。

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