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[英]Allow user to open file in Windows file system only if they can see the file in an SSRS report

We have a repository with two parts: 我们有一个包含两部分的存储库:

File System: holds documents (PDFs) in folders divided by date added.
 SQL Server: holds metadata and the path of each document. (User permissions
             would be based on the metadata held here).

The file system is presently locked down so nobody has access. 文件系统目前被锁定,因此没有人可以访问。 We are hoping to grant users access to files via a SSRS report. 我们希望允许用户通过SSRS报告访问文件。 The report would query the database and return a list of only the documents that the user should have access to. 该报告将查询数据库,并仅返回用户应有权访问的文档的列表。

How would we grant permissions to the user only for the files retreived by the report? 我们如何仅对报告检索的文件授予用户权限?

Thank you! 谢谢!

I think SSRS in this is a red herring. 我认为SSRS在这是一条红鲱鱼。 It sounds like what you really want is how to secure the file system based on the results of a SQL query. 听起来您真正想要的是如何基于SQL查询的结果保护文件系统。 (SSRS doesn't really have any functionality that will help with this.) (SSRS实际上没有任何功能可以帮助您解决此问题。)

Implementing this through a custom web interface is certainly possible and sounds like a good answer if the using a browser for file access is acceptable. 通过自定义Web界面实施此操作当然是可能的,并且如果使用浏览器进行文件访问是可以接受的,那么这听起来是一个不错的选择。 Give the service account permissions to access all the files and then return only the files appropriate for the connecting user. 授予服务帐户访问所有文件的权限,然后仅返回适合于连接用户的文件。 ( Sounds like a straight forward development project. If the requirements are simple enough, then this could be completed in a few days. Of course, make sure you use secure coding practices, since security matters in this application. ) (听起来像是一个简单的开发项目。如果要求足够简单,那么几天后就可以完成。当然,请确保您使用安全的编码做法,因为此应用程序中的安全性很重要。)

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