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全屏Python TKinter或wxPython窗口,但“停留在所有窗口的底部”?

[英]Fullscreen Python TKinter or wxPython window, but 'stay at the bottom' of all windows?

I want to create a fullscreen panel that visually blocks access to everything on the screen (desktop, menu, Unity Panel, etc in Ubuntu (11.10)), but stays below other applications' opened windows. 我想创建一个全屏面板,在视觉上阻止访问屏幕上的所有内容(桌面,菜单,Unity面板等在Ubuntu(11.10)中),但仍然低于其他应用程序打开的窗口。

This is mainly to make the laptop child proof. 这主要是为了让笔记本电脑儿童证明。 I want the kid (4 years old) to have access to some selected apps ie. 我希望孩子(4岁)可以访问一些选定的应用程序,即。 gcompris, childs play, tux math, etc. but not really to other apps and settings. gcompris,儿童游戏,礼服数学等,但不是真正的其他应用程序和设置。 Something like custom desktop + launcher panel without anything to break, no access to files, etc. 像自定义桌面+启动器面板,没有任何破坏,无法访问文件等。

I want the panel to contain some buttons that would start other applications (using subprocess.call) but the panel itself needs to stay under anything that's launched from it or to make things easier just so it stays under any opened fullscreen games and every opened window (even when the panel takes focus). 我希望面板包含一些可以启动其他应用程序的按钮(使用subprocess.call),但是面板本身需要保留在从它启动的任何内容之下,或者使事情变得更容易,因此它保持在任何打开的全屏游戏和每个打开的窗口之下(即使面板需要重点)。

Python tkinter's fullscreen overrideredirect(True) would be perfect (with a password protected close button) if not the fact that it does not allow other applications to appear over it and I'm not sure if it is possible to make it stay at the bottom of everything. Python tkinter的全屏overrideredirect(True)将是完美的(使用密码保护关闭按钮),如果不是它不允许其他应用程序出现在它上面的事实,我不确定是否可以使它保持在底部一切。

Any idea how to change this behavior if possible, or any other tools that would enable me to do this in python or otherwise? 知道如何在可能的情况下改变这种行为,或任何其他工具可以让我在python或其他方面做到这一点?

Edit: additional info: 编辑:其他信息:

I have got it nearly working but another strange behaviour with overrideredirect(True). 我已经得到它几乎工作,但另一个奇怪的行为与overrideredirect(True)。 I could lower() the app at the start and its ok, but when I do it with the overrideredirect(True) the app disappears completely. 我可以在开始时降低()应用程序并确定它,但是当我使用overrideredirect(True)执行此操作时,应用程序将完全消失。 Non-fullscreen testing code below: 以下非全屏测试代码:

from tkinter import *

def btn1_click():app.quit();app.destroy()
def btn2_click():app.lower()    
def handler():
    if tkinter.messagebox.askyesno("Quit?", "Are you sure you want to quit?"):

app = Tk()

b1 = Button(app, text = "Exit!", width = 10, command = btn1_click);b1.pack()
b2 = Button(app, text = "Lower", width = 10, command = btn2_click);b2.pack()
app.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", handler)

when you run it as it is it will open new window and pressing the 'Lower' button will send it to the back, but if you uncomment the app.overrideredirect(True) line and press the button the app will still run but will no longer be visible. 当你按原样运行它会打开新窗口并按下“向下”按钮将它发送到后面,但是如果你取消注释app.overrideredirect(True)行并按下按钮,应用程序仍将运行但不会更长时间可见。

Edit... Ok, I think I get it: 编辑......好吧,我想我明白了:

     |  overrideredirect = wm_overrideredirect(self, boolean=None)
     |      Instruct the window manager to ignore this widget
     |      if BOOLEAN is given with 1. Return the current value if None
     |      is given.

So, first I am asking the window manager to ignore my window, but later I still want the wm to do something to my window... hypcracy :) 所以,首先我要求窗口管理器忽略我的窗口,但后来我仍然希望wm对我的窗口做一些事情......低压:)

Any other ways to strip window decoration without asking the wm to ignore the window? 在没有要求wm忽略窗口的情况下剥离窗口装饰的任何其他方法?

Edit. 编辑。 Another look at the problem with a different tool - wxPython 用另一种工具再看一下这个问题 - wxPython

This time I'm trying it the easy way - using the Boa Constructor. 这次我正在尝试使用Boa构造函数。 While app.lower() on a windowed Frame worked fine with Tkinter, for some reason I have a problem with wxPython now. 虽然窗口框架上的app.lower()在Tkinter上运行良好,但由于某些原因我现在遇到了wxPython的问题。 In the code below - pressing the button opens a gedit window over the Frame, than 2 seconds later frame is brought to the top and another 2 seconds later it should fall to the bottom of the window stack, but that does not happen, at least not on my Ubuntu. 在下面的代码中 - 按下按钮打开框架上的gedit窗口,2秒后框架被带到顶部,另外2秒后它将落到窗口堆栈的底部,但这不会发生,至少不在我的Ubuntu上。

def OnButton3Button(self, event):
    subprocess.call("gedit") #opens gedit above the Frame
    time.sleep(2) #waits for 2 seconds
    self.Raise() #brings the Frame to the top
    time.sleep(2) #waits for another 2 seconds
    self.Lower() #should Lower the Frame to the bottom, but it doesn't

if I could make the Lower() work somehow it would be easily done by ie.: 如果我能以某种方式使Lower()工作,那将很容易通过ie:

def OnFrame1Activate(self, event):

def OnFrame1EnterWindow(self, event):

Now I run out of ideas, probably I will just stick to the Guest Account as suggested. 现在我用完了想法,可能我会按照建议坚持使用Guest帐户。

This is how I set the window position in pygame on windows. 这是我在窗口中设置pygame窗口位置的方法。 With this, it will cover all other windows, if you change the -1 to a 1 it will be behind other windows, I only know it works in windows. 有了这个,它将覆盖所有其他窗口,如果你将-1更改为1它将在其他窗口后面,我只知道它在Windows中工作。

import pygame, time, datetime, ctypes
from pygame.locals import *
from ctypes import windll

set_window_pos = windll.user32.SetWindowPos
monitorsize = ctypes.windll.user32
resolution_X = monitorsize.GetSystemMetrics(0)
resolution_Y = monitorsize.GetSystemMetrics(1)

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((255, 242), pygame.NOFRAME)
set_window_pos(pygame.display.get_wm_info()['window'], -1, (resolution_X - 255), 50, 0, 0, 0x0001)

Making a window FULLSCREEN is done with: 制作一个窗口FULLSCREEN完成:

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 350), FULLSCREEN) # this works in linux

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