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如何在所有显示器上制作 tkinter 窗口全屏?

[英]How to make a tkinter window Fullscreen on all Displays?

I am working on a program with a window that needs to be fullscreen on all plugged-in Monitors and/or external displays.我正在开发一个程序,该程序的窗口需要在所有插入式监视器和/或外部显示器上全屏显示。 Is there any way I can do this in Tkinter or do I have to use a different library?有什么办法可以在 Tkinter 中做到这一点,还是必须使用不同的库? So far I have managed to get the window in Fullscreen on my main display but I also need it on the other one(s).到目前为止,我已经设法在我的主显示器上获得全屏窗口,但我在其他显示器上也需要它。 This is my code so far:到目前为止,这是我的代码:

def create_screencanvas():
    global master_screen
    master_screen = Toplevel(mywindow)
    picture_frame = Frame(master_screen, background = "blue")
    picture_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)

    global screenCanvas
    screenCanvas = Canvas(picture_frame, cursor="cross", bg="grey5")
    screenCanvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)

    master_screen.attributes('-fullscreen', True)#Fullscreen on main display but not others
    master_screen.attributes('-alpha', .3)
    master_screen.attributes("-topmost", True)

mywindow = Tk()
mywindow.title("New Project") 
mywindow.minsize(540, 420) 

mybtn = Button(text="activate", command=create_screencanvas, cursor="cross")
mybtn.pack() #Button opens the fullscrean window


For screenshot taking purposes, you can make your Toplevel window cover all the displays by changing manually its geometry instead of making it fullscreen.出于截屏的目的,您可以通过手动更改其几何形状而不是使其全屏来使您的Toplevel窗口覆盖所有显示。 So, remove所以,删除

master_screen.attributes('-fullscreen', True)

and replace it with并将其替换为

w = master_screen.winfo_screenwidth()
h = master_screen.winfo_screenheight()

However, your window now has unwanted decorations.但是,您的窗口现在有不需要的装饰。 Depending on the OS you are using, you can either use根据您使用的操作系统,您可以使用


or, if you are using Linux (in which case, overrideredirect might not allow you to have window transparency),或者,如果您使用的是 Linux(在这种情况下, overrideredirect可能不允许您具有窗口透明度),

master_screen.attributes('-type', 'dock')

In both cases, you no longer need在这两种情况下,您不再需要

master_screen.attributes("-topmost", True)

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