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How to make a tkinter window Fullscreen on all Displays?

I am working on a program with a window that needs to be fullscreen on all plugged-in Monitors and/or external displays. Is there any way I can do this in Tkinter or do I have to use a different library? So far I have managed to get the window in Fullscreen on my main display but I also need it on the other one(s). This is my code so far:

def create_screencanvas():
    global master_screen
    master_screen = Toplevel(mywindow)
    picture_frame = Frame(master_screen, background = "blue")
    picture_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)

    global screenCanvas
    screenCanvas = Canvas(picture_frame, cursor="cross", bg="grey5")
    screenCanvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)

    master_screen.attributes('-fullscreen', True)#Fullscreen on main display but not others
    master_screen.attributes('-alpha', .3)
    master_screen.attributes("-topmost", True)

mywindow = Tk()
mywindow.title("New Project") 
mywindow.minsize(540, 420) 

mybtn = Button(text="activate", command=create_screencanvas, cursor="cross")
mybtn.pack() #Button opens the fullscrean window


For screenshot taking purposes, you can make your Toplevel window cover all the displays by changing manually its geometry instead of making it fullscreen. So, remove

master_screen.attributes('-fullscreen', True)

and replace it with

w = master_screen.winfo_screenwidth()
h = master_screen.winfo_screenheight()

However, your window now has unwanted decorations. Depending on the OS you are using, you can either use


or, if you are using Linux (in which case, overrideredirect might not allow you to have window transparency),

master_screen.attributes('-type', 'dock')

In both cases, you no longer need

master_screen.attributes("-topmost", True)

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