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[英]shell scripting and regular expression

echo enter your password :
read password

passlength=$(echo ${#password})

if [ $passlength -le 8 ];
    echo you entered correct  password
    echo entered password is incorrect

if [[$password == [a-z]*[0-9][a-z]*]];
    echo match found
    echo match not found

I am not getting what's wrong with this code. 我没有得到这段代码有什么问题。 If I enter any string as a password, let's say hello123 , it gives me an error: 如果我输入任何字符串作为密码,假设您输入hello123 ,它给我一个错误:

hello123 : command not found hello123:找不到命令

What is wrong with my script? 我的脚本有什么问题?

You can do the following to make it work cross-platforms with any the bourne shell (/bin/sh) based shell, no bash specific primitives - 您可以执行以下操作,使其与任何基于bourne shell(/ bin / sh)的shell一起跨平台工作,而无需bash特定的原语-

echo "$password" | grep -q "[a-z]*[0-9][a-z]*"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ;then
    echo "match found"
    echo "match not found"

Also feel free to use quotes around the variable names. 也可以在变量名周围使用quotes It will save you hours and hours worth of useless debugging. 这样可以节省您数小时的无用调试价值。 :) :)

Technically it should give you an error like [[hello123 : command not found . 从技术上讲,它应该给您类似[[hello123 : command not found的错误。

The issue is that [[$password is not expanded how you think it is. 问题是[[$password不会扩展您的想法。 Bash will first resolve the $password variable to what you entered (ie hello123 ). Bash首先将$password变量解析为您输入的内容(即hello123 )。 This will yield the string [[hello123 which bash will then try to invoke (and fail, as there is nothing with that name). 这将产生字符串[[hello123 ,然后bash将尝试调用该字符串(并且失败,因为该名称没有内容)。

Simply add a space ( 只需添加一个空格( ) after [[ and bash will recognise [[ as the command to run (although it is a builtin). [[ ,bash会将[[识别为要运行的命令(尽管它是内置命令)。

if [[ "$password" == [a-z]*[0-9][a-z]* ]]

The corrected script is below. 更正后的脚本如下。 The errors were: 错误是:

  • #!/bin/bash , not #!bin/bash #!/bin/bash ,而不是#!bin/bash
  • To read password length, just do passlength=${#password} , not passlength=$(echo ${#password}) 要读取密码长度,只需执行passlength=${#password} ,而不是passlength=$(echo ${#password})
  • Always put a space after [ or [[ 务必在[[[

 #!/bin/bash echo "enter your password :" read password passlength=${#password} if [[ $passlength -le 8 ]] then echo "you entered correct password" else echo "entered password is incorrect" fi if [[ $password == [az]*[0-9][az]* ]] then echo "match found" else echo "match not found" fi 

read -s -p "Enter Password: " password
if [ $password_length -lt 8 -o $password_length -gt 20 ] ;then 
        echo -e "Invalid password - should be between 8 and 20 characters in length.";
        echo ;
        # Check for invalid characters
        case $password in 
            *[^a-zA-Z0-9]* ) 
                echo -e "Password contains invalid characters.";
                echo ;
            * )
                echo "Password accepted.";
                echo ;

More tuned example.. 更多的例子。

In the bash [[ construct, the == operator will match glob-style patterns, and =~ will match regular expressions. 在bash [[构造中, ==运算符将匹配glob样式的模式,而=~将匹配正则表达式。 See the documentation . 请参阅文档

Try to replace line 尝试更换线

if [[$password == [a-z]*[0-9][a-z]*]];

with following 与以下

if echo "$password" | grep -qs '[a-z]*[0-9][a-z]*'

HTH 高温超导

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